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Clone Wars 4×21/4×22 Full Reaction

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Thomas Corp

The face you made when the title was in red rather than the traditional yellow was priceless. So now, we’ve come to one of the biggest holy shit moments of the show, and that is the grand return of Darth Maul. I lost my goddamn mind ten years ago seeing this for the first time. Sam Witwer is beyond phenomenal as the voice of Darth Maul. If you ever catch any of the behind-the-scenes of Sam recording, you start to think past a point that someone might want to call the men in the white coats and check Sam into a padded room. You mention about the time Maul has been alone. Interestingly, it tracks with real life. The time between the events of The Phantom Menace and these episodes is about thirteen years, and in real life the time between the premiere of The Phantom Menace and the airing of these episodes was about the same. When you said, “No, we don’t need- no, we don’t need revenge.” I had a good laugh saying, “You REALLY think that a man who has been robbed of his entire lower half is just going to walk that off as if it were nothing?! No.” I knew that you were going to flip your lid when Ventress and Obi-Wan teamed up. I understand what you mean about not wanting Ventress to die, but if she does, you would hope it’s a death that’s worthy of her. I have a similar mentality with characters that I really love in that, if the writers are truly set on killing them, at least give them a good death. And often that translates to dying at the hands of a worthy adversary, which as per your estimation, Maul and Savage would be worthy adversaries, Grievous would not. Also, yes, a highlight is Maul’s observation about Obi-Wan's rage and how it is not the Jedi way. Concerning your observation of Maul’s revenge strategy, it is, shall we say, flexible, though the recurring constant would be excruciating, agonizing pain and suffering. A few less plot relevant observations with these episodes. Yeah, a lot of the planets are very beautiful. You are correct. Regarding Morley, the snake, it’s funny that with Morley, I was thinking about him a little prior to my rewatching these episodes. I thought, “I always kind of got more of an eel vibe from him.” Then when I rewatched these episodes, I see him again and said, “Oh, no. Yeah, he’s definitely meant to be like a snake. Well, it’s animated so it shouldn’t bother Jess too bad I shouldn’t think.” Compared to your past experiences with snake scenes in film and tv, I’d say you handled it rather well. As I said with the last arc, there was no need to worry about Obi-Wan's beard. When you expressed relief about it, I had a smile and said, “Well, there you have it. He’s got his beautiful beard back. Good thing too, he looks like he’s twelve years old without it.” These reactions were magnificent, Jess! Thank you so much! And many congratulations on the completion of season four!


The show's crew planned to do a big story arc where Ventress is teamed up with Quinlan Vos (the Lebowski-like Jedi from the Truman Capote Hutt arc) but unfortunately the show's initial cancellation prevented it. But don't worry, you still haven't seen the last of her, and they did make a full comic book story out of it that you can look up on Wookiepedia if you don't care to actually get the comics.


I think when the snakes are animated, it's a lot less severe but I still get an uncomfortable vibe from them. I should really let a therapist deep dive into what's actually wrong with me regarding that lol