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Classic Who "Planet of the Spiders" Parts 5&6 Reaction

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James Gorman

I was eleven or twelve years old when Season 11 was first broadcast. Jon Pertwee announced that he was leaving the series during the filming of Season 11.

Daniel Davies

I believe the third Doctor’s run was the real beginning of ‘Doctor Who’s Golden Age, but onto the man that would take it to greater heights, the myth, the legend that is, Tom Baker.


I prefer it when we don’t know the regeneration is going to happen. Makes it that more exciting.

Janel Rodriguez

I thought the Third Doctor faced death bravely and calmly and maturely. With class. As much as I love 10 and 12 (and they ARE my NuWho faves) they went kicking and screaming. I thought this was more beautiful.

James Fish

Thank you for an excellent review. I like this story generally for the redemption of Mike & the general weirdness of the story but you're spot on that it didn't feel like a final story. I think it's much more hard hitting going into it and not knowing personally, then if you're pre-aware. Sometimes things can hit so quick that it's easy to be lost for words. 3 will definitely be remembered for his love of science, gadgetry & kick-ass bravery! And so, onto the next era which I grew up watching & the one which gave me a life long love affair with Doctor Who. See you next time!


This story is my favourite of all dr who. The third doctor is my favourite doctor and so this story always makes me emotional. The fact that his doctor was trying so hard to get away from Earth at the beginning of his era and by the end he’s referring to it as his home is a really beautiful moment. The doctor and Sarah’s relationship is so beautiful too which helps to make that final scene even more devastating

Josef Schiltz

This was the third change that I saw - and, of course, there were the film versions in the mid-sixties - and we were forewarned of the approaching change and there were photos of Tom and Lis in the papers. Jon had so impressed himself upon the role that it was still a - not exactly a shock, more a tremor - to see him go like this. Jon's "a tear Sarah-Jane?" have had echoes within other end sequences like Capaldi's, for example, with Bill saying "Where there's tears . . " before her exit from the TARDIS along with 'The Water Ghost', Heather. It's also been heard in voice over in one or two fan created vids. I was always glad of Tommy's survival against the onslaught of the spider-possessed. And, of course, K'anpo Rimpoche's giving of his life energy to heal mike is reminiscent of River's healing of The Doctor in Let's Kill Hitler.

Ian Smith

I remember watching this when it was first broadcast; and, (after seeing the regeneration) shouting "That's not the Doctor - he looks nothing like him...and he's too young!!" 3 was my first Doctor. I don't know if I have an absolute favourite - but he's certainly the one I have a really soft spot for.


Three was my first Doctor, so this was the first regeneration as well. Four will always be my favorite, but Three was always a close second. I keep hoping that his son would reprise his father's role someday (he dressed up for Halloween once as his dad and he's the spitting image). I can only hope that he might turn up for the 60th anniversary because it would be nice to see Three again, even if it isn't Jon playing him.


The Doctor regenerates from 3 to 4 ... the Brigadier: "Well, here we go again." The Doctor regenerates from '11' to '12' ... Madam Vastra: "Well then, here we go again."

David Vandervliet

So will next week see the begining of the 4th Doctor era? or will we get the 3rd Doctor recap before moving forward?

James Fish

She mentioned the recap wouldn't happen straight away, so the next reaction will be the start of the 4th Doctor era.

David Vandervliet

James. That’s what I am asking. Will she start the 4th Doctor straight away or will she wait to start til after she does her recap?