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Doctor Who "Legend of the Sea Devils" Full Reaction

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Thomas Corp

Bit behind on this, but I finally had the chance to sit down and see this episode and subsequently your reaction. I’m in agreement with you that this wasn’t a wholly good or wholly bad episode, just very middle of the road. I’ve heard a comment or two saying that this episode felt less like a special and less like a penultimate episode for a Doctor, but rather it felt more like a breather episode that you would find in the middle of a season. Having now seen the episode, that does seem a fair description. Once again, Dan steals the show between his outfit, proving surprisingly competent in swordplay, and his last scene in the episode with him and Di, which got me right in the heart and made me cry. Another emotional moment was Ji-Hun's sacrifice, though you are correct that had he been given greater focus, that moment would have been more impactful. I don’t blame Ji-Hun in the slightest when he killed the Sea-Devil in chief. I’m completely on his side on that one. Still have mixed feelings on the relationship between Thirteen and Yaz. I will say that like you said, it is a nice moment at the end where Thirteen asks can they live in the present. When Thirteen said that she’s never fixed herself to anyone or anyplace, maybe I interpreted the scene wrong, but it felt like among other things, she was dismissing the twenty-four years on Darillium. Then again, as you observed, Thirteen is a very keeps things close to the chest type Doctor, so perhaps it’s more a case of she’s not emotionally comfortable enough to open up to Yaz about that. The moment when they agree to live in the present, combined with Thirteen’s earlier line where she says that time always runs out for her, it recalled the beautiful line that River said to Twelve back on Darillium, “Happy ever after doesn't mean forever. It just means time. A little time.” As we go into Jodie Whittaker and Chibnall’s final episode, I find that I really don’t have any hopes and expectations for myself. The only thing I would like to see is that for the Whovians who view Thirteen as their Doctor, I sincerely hope that for those Whovians, that her final episode will be a send-off to end all send-offs, and that it will be everything they want it to be. It doesn’t matter if I share the opinions or not, if the Thirteen fans get the type of ending that they really want and thus, they’re happy with how it all ends, well then, that’ll be good enough for me.