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Clone Wars 4x07/4x08 Full Reaction

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Thomas Corp

The Umbara arc, or as I like to call it, Stanley Kubrick’s Paths of Glory in space, is one of the most universally beloved arcs of this show. Naturally, these are episodes that I can safely say that we were highly anticipating your reactions to these episodes. It is in this arc where we are introduced to quite probably the most loathed and despised character of the Star Wars franchise, if not the most, and that is Pong “Mister Fuckface” Krell. You’ve often stated in the past how fandoms can be tricky to gauge opinions and it’s hard to predict sometimes people's reactions to when you express opinions about plots, characters, etc. In this case, you’re safe as I have yet to meet or hear from anyone who actually likes Krell. When you’re saying stuff like, “Oh, I don’t like you. Oh, I don’t like you. I don’t like you one bit.” “You big buffoon.” “He is the worst.” I’m having a laugh and saying, “Yeah, well, you know what, Jess? I don’t think anyone’s going to argue with you on that one.” As soon as you start using the word hate in regard to Krell, I’m imitating Darth Sidious, saying, “Good. Use your aggressive feelings, Jess! Let the hate flow through you!” All throughout this reaction, I am just so thoroughly loving every single second of you reading Krell to complete and absolute filth. As to the planet Umbara, yes, it is very unique and extremely dangerous. It is as you say, such a highlight of this arc with the moral conundrum that Rex and Fives in particular are facing. As Rex notes, as a soldier, he does not have the convenience or the luxury to be able to ignore or disregard orders, shitty though those orders may be. And as Fives argues at what point do you draw the line in the sand and make a stand. They also raise the excellent point that reckless as Anakin is a lot of the time, he never asks his men to do anything that he would not be willing to do himself. These reactions have been so outstanding, Jess, and they were very well worth the wait. You are right to be nervous going into the remaining half of this arc. That’s all I’m going to say about that for now.

Luis Bocanegra

Ah yes! Umbara... Btw this arc brought us a new generation of clones that we will follow until the show is over.