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Arcane 1x06 Full Reaction

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Haughtbreaker Nic

I love this episode and the flare scene gives me so many chills every darn time

Thomas Corp

You’re right that there are so many different perspectives in this show, and all of them are given equal weight. I’m with you on feeling bad for Heimerdinger, despite the fact that Jayce does make a valid point. I’m watching that thinking, “It’s not an unreasonable point he’s making. A touch indelicate perhaps, but not unreasonable. Still, that’s got to suck for Heimerdinger” It’s nice to have more of a spotlight on Viktor. I found I got somewhat defensive of Silco in that Jinx is accusing him of lying about Vi. I think to myself, “Technically speaking, he didn’t lie. The cop on his payroll told him that she died, so, he would be under the genuine belief that Vi was dead.” The reunion between the sisters is of course the highlight of the episode. Yeah, understandable though it is, it’s very naïve of Vi to think that she and Jinx can just go back to the way things were. You can tell that that idea takes a massive hit when she sees Jinx in action. And although she’s wanting to blame Powder’s transformation into Jinx entirely on Silco, there’s a part of her brain that she’s refusing to acknowledge that’s telling her that the situation is on her too. There’s even a look on Vi’s face at one point whilst she’s seeing Jinx indiscriminately shooting at the firelights where it looks like she’s hearing a very dark voice in the back of her head saying to her, “Look what you have made.” Dark though it is, that’s probably my favorite moment of the episode. For a show that I had never even heard of before, I’m both really getting into this, and just so thoroughly enjoying your reactions and in-depth analysis of this show. It is proving to be a tremendous delight.