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Clone Wars 4x04 Full Reaction

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Thomas Corp

The Phantom Menace nostalgia is strong with this one. Love how we have the character Rish Loo, as in Cardinal Richelieu, working for Count Dooku and both characters are voiced by Corey Burton, which is quite appropriate as Sir Christopher Lee famously portrayed Rochefort back in the seventies. I loved your reaction to the moment when they realize that Jar Jar has to take Boss Lyonie’s place, I had a similar reaction myself, and I said, “Wait. So, we have a Prisoner of Zenda type situation, and Jar Jar’s the one stepping in for the incapacitated ruler? ...They’re doomed. He’s going to get everyone killed.” The episode does a good job of reminding you that, apart from Jar Jar, the gungans are quite formidable. It was sad to see Tarpals get killed. The fight between Dooku and Anakin was most impressive. You bring up a good point of would Anakin have preferred that they let him be sacrificed rather than Grievous being set free. I think he probably would have. I could see his thought would be that it’s him and him alone that would be sacrificed, and he would know that the people he loves are safe. The episode has one of my favorite lines from Dooku, which was, “The Sith control everything. You just don’t know it!” and the best part is that he’s absolutely right. Unfortunately, the Jedi are too blind to the truth. Loved your reaction to this episode, Jess. I cannot wait to see next week's reaction.