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Clone Wars 4x01/4x02 Full Reaction

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A very action-packed arc and a strong season opener. I agree that the setting is very immersive and the details such as how muddy the water gets really are superb. I screamed with joy seeing Ackbar. Prince Lee-Char is an enjoyable character. As you say he recognizes that he’s in a sticky situation and is doing what he feels to be right, even if it’s not the smartest play. As Count Dooku once said, “Brave, but, foolish.” Still, it’s refreshing that he’s not so stubborn a character that he refuses to listen to people like Ackbar who is advising him as best he can. Loved Tamson, the evil shark. Kit Fisto taking part in the action takes me back to seeing him in action in Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars back in 2003. Some subtle moments and or easter eggs: Ackbar’s line “It’s an attack!” the music resembling John Williams’s Jaws theme during one of Tamson’s scenes in the first episode, and the small dilemma Anakin briefly has of not being able to breath without the aid of proper headwear. All those moments, I had a smile on my face much like the winning smile that Kit often sports. I like to think that a reason why the negotiations on Naboo were short were in part because they simply wanted Jar Jar to stop talking, which if that was the case, fair. Glad to see you’re really enjoying this arc, Jess.


You actually have just crossed the show's halfway point, due to the remaining three seasons having fewer episodes than the 22 in the first four. There are 133 total, half of which is 66.5, just past the first three seasons.

Jenny Chalek

LOL I know it's all about suspension of disbelief, but as a diver, it pains me to think how badly they would have gotten the bends shooting to the surface as quickly as they did. Good thing it's not the same universe with the same human physiology.