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Midnight Mass 1x07 Full Reaction

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That was probably a wise decision regarding your forgoing having coffee during the reaction. I knew this reaction was going to be one for the books, both for the reaction itself and your post episode thoughts. Hoo boy did this exceed my expectations. It’s this episode that makes me reflect on the whole show and makes me say that Samantha Sloyan better receive a lot of awards attention. And though I don’t want to say Bev is my favorite character, (though in the absence of a better way to put it, she technically is my favorite character of this show. I’m not proud of it. At all.) Samantha Sloyan provides my favorite performance of both this show and of tv within the last year. Satisfying though her death scene is, it pales compared to how satisfying it was when Ali sets fire to the rec center. You say that you wouldn’t forgive Father Paul, I certainly wouldn’t. I agree that it’s rich when Father Paul says to Mildred, “I did it all for you” like that’s supposed to cushion the blow. To answer your question of did it register to Father Paul regarding Erin’s baby, I don’t recall it registering much to him, or if it did register, I would imagine it was yet another colossal red flag that he purposely ignored. The final scenes where the islanders make the decision to let themselves die and they sing Nearer My God To Thee is such a powerful scene that has stuck with me ever since I saw it. I wholeheartedly agree with that a satisfying ending to a story is not always happy. Sometimes a story can have an ending that is very dark, depressing, and/or downbeat and it is immensely satisfying if done properly. I have to say, I got a big kick out of your little song and dance of Warren and Leeza on the boat needing therapy. Perhaps it’s not something to laugh at, but as I said, I got a big kick out of it. I am really truly happy that you loved this show as much as you did. I loved sharing the journey with you, Jess. Thank you for your reactions to Midnight Mass.

Paul Mason

Thanks for this reaction and your thoughts - it was great. And thanks for doing the show overall because I feel like it didn't get the buzz it deserved. I have now watched it I think three times and I will say that it really rewards a re-watch. Once you know where it's going there are so many little clues and interesting moments. Knowing who Father Paul is for example. There's that scene where Sarah is testing her mother's memory after she's gotten it back and she asks her a bunch of questions and she answers each one straight off. Then she asks her father's name, and there's a pause before she says George. And at the time you think oh well the memory's still not 100%. But actually she pauses because, well who is Sarah's father? But it's not just fun factual things like that, it's also character stuff. I think you can really see a progression in Father Paul. I think he genuinely does believe (or has made himself believe) he's doing the right thing. Like after he feeds on Joe he's just sitting there kinda horrified with himself. I think he's genuinely in shock at what he's done now that the hunger has been satisfied. I honestly think if it hadn't been Bev who came in then, if she hadn't fed him a bunch of bible verses and pumped him up again, who knows if he would have carried on? Maybe so, but she sure didn't help. He was perhaps looking for reasons to rationalise it (because he so desparately wants a second chance with Mildred and Sarah) that he was willing to take all the stuff she fed him. Anyway, thanks again. It was fun to watch with you and to hear you talk about it too.

Mister Lou

Damn that was one of the best reactions I've seen so far! I've enjoyed all 2 hours plus of your content! Thanks for that! You go above and beyond for anything Mike Flanagan. so PLEASE do us all and yourself a favour and check out a Netflix movie called HUSH! I think you'll love it!


Thank you so much for this reaction! It's been a fair few reactors since I saw one who actually understood the story. So many will focus on the logistics of the thing: I'd run, I'd find a damn barrel to hide in until sunset, etc... But that's NOT the point! So many others, and through no fault of their own I'm sure, see only the failings of Catholicism or Christianity and can't see past the religion to the actual story. This is a story that says, "We're all going to die. And we'll likely have little choice in it. And it's going to be ok." As Leeza says when Warren asks if she thinks that they'll "make it": "I didn't say that. I said: Either way. We're going to be ok." So many will see this as sad, even depressing, and talk about how it all could have been prevented while missing the point. The point is: It's going to be ok. We probably don't know anything. But it's going to be ok.