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Classic Who - "Planet of the Daleks" Part 1/2 Full Reaction

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Azmat Mahmood

When you say the Dalek stories have been more misses than hits, are you also including modern Who in that or just classic Who? Just found that comment a bit interesting and surprising because, from memory, I remember you enjoying most of the classic Dalek stories you've reacted to so far. The original, Dalek Invasion of Earth, Power of the Daleks and Day of the Daleks. The only one I'm unsure about is The Chase, but the rest you definitely seemed to enjoy. Anyway, great reaction to a fairly underrated story. I look forward to the rest.


I really enjoy this story – partly because I have a huge nostalgic affection for it, as the BBC repeated it in 1993 when I was nine years old. I taped it off the TV at the time, and rewatched it many times in the following few years! But I also love it because it has the charm of feeling like Doctor Who as played in the playground – you can imagine a group of children having the Dalek base at one end of the playground, the Thal ship at the other, and the ‘jungle’ being all the space in between, with all its imagined dangers… And if you can’t love a story with that “Somewhere on this planet there are ten thousand Daleks!” cliffhanger, then there’s no joy in your soul. I’d been waiting for literally *years* to see your reaction to the mention of Barbara, Ian and Susan – so I was pleased to see it hit home! I’m not someone who’s particularly interested in clothes or fashion, but I would *definitely* watch a Jo Grant outfits video! When you said “I’m not going to commit to this…” I thought you were going to float the idea of doing a Jo cosplay video along the lines of your Missy one!