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Clone Wars 3x12/3x13 Full Reaction

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Thomas Corp

The arc that introduces two of my favorite characters to debut in The Clone Wars: the mercurial Mother Talzin, and the mighty Savage Opress. Both Barbara Goodson and Clancy Brown are fantastic as the characters. You’re right of course that Ventress is quite fabulous. Yes, I know how you feel about her. As a result, I knew that this arc would be right up your alley. Likewise, I knew that you were going to love the witches of Dathomir. You’re correct in that, for the time being, Darth Sidious wants the scale to be perfectly balanced and Ventress threatens to tip the balance before he wants it to be. Something you need to understand is that Dooku did not want to eliminate Ventress, to the point that he tried to protest it. As you point out Sidious says, “I would hate to think you are training your own Sith apprentice to destroy me.” which carries the unspoken message, “If this is your plan, maybe you should quit while you’re ahead.” Now when Sidious says “maybe” that’s like a papal bull, you follow the order without question. It therefore speaks volumes that Dooku voices objection to Sidious’s order knowing that even with all his power and cleverness, he does not seriously think that he can contend with the will of Sidious. There are none who can. A highlight of the first episode is the duel between Dooku and the Nightsisters. Watching it again I’m saying to myself, “The man is somewhere between eighty-one and eighty-three, depending on when exactly these episodes take place, half blinded by the poison, is fighting in his pajamas, and still, he wins the fight! How the hell is he as underrated as he is?!” I recognize that in your case that you favor Ventress, and after these episodes your opinion of Dooku has perhaps lowered some. And as you stated, in a battle between Dooku and Ventress, you will be on Ventress’s side completely. I respect that. I also got a kick in this episode how Dooku’s sleeping quarters look like something straight out of a Hammer Horror film, and that Dooku is sleeping like Dracula, flat on his back with his arms across his chest. It just made the Sir Christopher Lee fanboy that I am giggle and smile. You do make a fair observation that Mother Talzin could have poisoned the beverage Dooku drank, but to quote another famous Sir Christopher Lee character, Francisco Scaramanga, “That would have been ridiculously easy.” I’ve stated before that the majority of my favorite characters in general and Star Wars in particular are villains, as a result I share your opinion of it is great that the show has now provided us with fantastic story arcs that are focused on the Dark Side. It’s at this point that the “kid friendly” tone of the show begins to deteriorate, and the show really starts to reach new heights. I therefore can’t wait to see your reaction to not just the conclusion to this arc, but the future arcs and episodes to come. It is going to be fantastic.

Jenny Chalek

Oh the nightsisters! My favorites! You're finally getting to them!