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Hawkeye 1x06 Full Reaction

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Thomas Corp

The second that you said, “I hope it doesn’t rip my heart out too much. I would like to not cry off my make-up.” I said, “Well, that’s not happening. Her make-up's probably going to be wrecked by the end of this.” Honestly, I’d say your make-up held up pretty well. Like I said, I have yet to see Daredevil, but I was so excited for Kingpin, one because I’m familiar with the character, and two because I’ve loved Vincent D’Onofrio since I was introduced to him in Men in Black. He knocked it out of the park with this episode. Yeah, there’s no way he’s dead. We will see him again. It’s funny how when it was revealed that Elanor was in cahoots with Kingpin, pretty much the entire fandom declared that it meant Jack was innocent. Maybe I’m too cynical, but my thought was it only proved that she was working for Kingpin. It did not prove that Jack was innocent. I thought that they both could have been in on it and that she set him up as the scapegoat. So, come this episode, I said, “So, he’s not a villain. He’s just a rich fop with a sword fetish. ...huh.” Vera Farmiga was great in this episode. Yeah, when she says her final line, I would have said to Kate that she would be well within her rights to smack her mother right across the face. The standout scene of the episode for me was the scene where Hawkeye and Yelena talked about Black Widow. Jeremy Renner and Florence Pugh sold the HELL out of those scenes. Now, with the end-credits scene I was expecting either a scene with Kingpin, or more likely, a scene with Yelena meeting Valentina and Valentina confronting her by saying, “The job was simple. You were supposed to be killing independent Hawkeye!” Instead, we got the full musical number. I’ve said before I’m a big musical theatre fan, and I was not thrilled with this Avengers musical. I didn’t have a camera recording myself, so I don’t know exactly what my expression was, but I’m sure it was one of confusion and dissatisfaction. After it ended, I was quiet for about half a minute and then said, “I did not need to see that.” I’m well aware that I’m in the minority in my opinions regarding the musical number. I’m so happy that you really loved this show, Jess! These reactions were delightful!