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Star Trek 1x24 Full Reaction

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Thomas Corp

This is an episode that I don’t believe that I saw before, and I’m pretty sure I would have remembered this episode because it was terrifying. Yeah, that line about “the female capacity to avoid a direct answer to any question.” is quite preposterous. As to the question of was the implication that Kirk was so annoyed by Spock’s out of character behavior that he wasn’t as affected by the spores, I agree with your statement that if that wasn’t the intended implication, let’s just pretend it was, because the idea is hilarious. As you said, to Leila’s defense, she herself is under the influence of the spores. Still, Spock was a lot more forgiving about what she did to him than I would have been. It’s like you point out, if she has to change Spock and make him not who he is, then he wouldn’t be the Spock that everybody loves. In terms of how strong emotions, particularly anger knocks the spores out of you, I think I’d have resisted when they pointed out that they’re all vegetarians. My brain probably would have kicked in and gotten me to yell, “Wait, you’re saying there’s no meat on this planet?! Even if you were stuck in the Matrix, they at least let you have a nice steak occasionally! Everybody’s seriously just ok with this?! COME ON!!” Speaking of The Matrix, when the leader speaks of how perfect and peaceful the planet is, I kept thinking of Hugo Weaving as Smith saying the “As a species, human beings define their reality through misery and suffering” monologue, and just thinking that this purely beatific world would drive me up a wall. It is a shame that Bones just threw away a perfectly good mint julep. I mean, I’ve never had one myself, so I don’t know how good they are, but I know that they’re not exactly the quickest or easiest drink to fix. Great reaction to this episode.

Janel Rodriguez

This first season is so solid. A lot of great episodes/writing.


Alas, the reason the spores didn't stick with Kirk is the same reason nothing else can affect him for long, his ship. Being a starship captain is what he's meant to do, his ship and crew is the most important thing above anything else including personal relationships.