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Midnight Mass 1x05 Full Reaction

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As soon as you said that your allergies were acting up on you, I said, “Great! Just her luck, her allergies had to pick THIS episode to really kick in!” I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on the parallels between the fifth episode of this show and the two Haunting shows, but I understand that you don’t want to spoil anything for anybody who has yet to see the Haunting shows. You mention how, given we’re dealing with vampires, we should know the rules. The thing is a vampire shouldn’t be able to even set foot in a church due to vampires are repelled by religious iconography. As a result, it creates a lot more uncertainty about the precise mechanics about how the vampiric Shenanigans by Mike Flanagan works, and therefore, makes the situation more terrifying. I don’t buy for one second that Father Paul is devoid of guilt for his actions. I think he says that he feels no guilt, he probably believes that, but there is probably lots of guilt that he’s both deliberately and perhaps unknowingly ignoring because he’s so dug into his mindset that he’s doing God’s will, he can’t conceive of the possibility that he’s in the wrong. I think that in addition to what you said about his talking to Riley and essentially trying to convert Riley to his way of thinking being the leap of faith, it’s also him projecting his deep-seeded guilt onto Riley to purge himself of his guilt and at the same time, justify his beliefs that he is in fact doing God’s will. That final scene with Erin and Riley is one of the more heartbreaking and unsettling scenes of the show. And it’s punctuated by the fact that the end credits contain no music leaving only Erin’s horrified screams to play over them. I agree with you that there is something rather beautiful about Riley’s final moments in that in the end, he finds his purpose, horrific and tragic though that purpose may be. I’m in complete agreement with you on how if you were in Riley’s place, I would be talking back to Bev and Father Paul, saying stuff like, “Let’s face it padre, the cheese has slid off your cracker. Bev too, though I seriously doubt it was ever there to begin with.” And when Father Paul mentions Bev showed him the bible quotes that prove what they’re doing is right, I’d quote Mike from Breaking Bad and say, “Yeah? About that, it's funny how words can be so open to interpretation.” I believe that you are correct in that the quote from The Walking Dead did not originate in The Walking Dead, but that is a damn good quote that yes, really does stick with you. All throughout the hiatus of videos during your move, this show was the one I was most anticipating, if for no other reason than your post episode thoughts. Every expectation I’ve had, you’ve exceeded them and then some. I am so thoroughly loving hearing your thoughts and feelings about this show, and I cannot wait to hear what you have to say about the final two episodes.