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The Clone Wars 1x17&1x18 Full Reaction - Google Drive


Thomas Corp

These are some standout episodes. I love Michael York, who was clearly having the time of his life as the loopy Dr. Nuvo Vindi. These episodes really do a good job on showcasing that one of Anakin's greatest fears is that he can't save people, and when it's people he loves that are in mortal peril, the fear is amplified significantly. It's a good thing that when Anakin realizes things get too stressful for him he knows that he can always go pay a visit to Palpatine who'll have a fresh pot of coffee ready and be there to say, "Sit down, Anakin. You tell ol' Sheev all about what's been troubling you and I promise you'll feel better." If I recall correctly, this is somewhere around the time where the majority of the fan's opinions towards Ahsoka began to soften. I'm really liking how you're getting very invested in her character. As to your saying how emotional your getting, I can't say anything specific beyond saying, "This is just the beginning!"


I loved the insight into both Anakin and Obi-Wan in this episode....even though Obi-Wan seemed slightly on the subtle side. And yes, I definitely liked Ahsoka so much in this episode, she was ridiculously brave for someone having such a high chance of not surviving.

Thomas Corp

Interesting thing about Ahsoka having a high chance of not surviving, when this first premiered, her not surviving was a very real possibility, because she was a brand new character with no known definite ending. I also think that as you say, her being ridiculously brave in the face of a situation that would most likely result in her death was what started the ball rolling on her popularity.


These episodes hit totally different during a pandemic...