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The Clone Wars 1x06 & 1x07 Full Reaction! - Google Drive


Thomas Corp

I loved the R2 focus and I very much share your displeasure with Obi-Wan in these episodes. I had a similar thought as you did regarding the duplicitous gold-plated pedalbin. After the first half I even said, "The show's saying that this droid is that stupid and incompetent? JAR JAR BINKS isn't that stupid and incompetent! Something's fishy here." As I've said before Grievous is genuinely a threat, he's just nowhere near the monster that he was in the old expanded universe. It is nice to see as you said to actually see some of Grievous' reputation actually be showcased so that we see that he's not always just a one-note joke of a villain. I really loved your reaction to these two episodes!