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Classic Who "The Mind of Evil" Parts 1&2 Full Reaction - Google Drive

Classic Who -The Mind of Evil- Parts 1&2 Full Reaction.mp4 Copy of Classic Who -The Mind of Evil- Parts 1&2 Full Reaction.mp4 Copy of Copy of Classic Who -The Mind of Evil- Parts 1&2 Full Reaction.mp4



Another enjoyable reaction, and I'm glad it was able to cheer you up after a bit of a nightmare day! As far as the black-and-white goes, you can always look at it this way: colour TV ownership didn't overtake black-and-white in the UK until as late as 1979, so most of the original viewers in 1971 would have been watching in black-and-white too. Indeed, given the colour version was wiped only a couple of years after broadcast, this was how most fans experienced it until the restored version was created.

James Fish

Thanks for another outstanding reaction. I'm glad you got some entertainment from it despite your horrendous day. Over here in the UK we say 'It never rains, it pours' (i.e, if it can go wrong, it will!). It's really no bother that you were unable to react to a colour version of this. As stated above, colour sets didn't overtake black & white for a good few years after the colour ones became available. I wasn't even born when this story was released & when I first saw it, I think all but 2 episodes were in black & white. I think the image is sharper (early colorization efforts, although well intended, wash the picture out a bit). As you are probably aware, the original colour version was lost or destroyed & in order to get a colour version, they literally had to match 625 lines from each frame of the film to restore it by running the black & white image over a homemade recording of it in colour on the same screen. Then re-recording it. Must have been the most arduous task imaginable! Hearing your thoughts on this story has made me see hidden qualities to it. Looking forward to your next installment. Meanwhile, enjoy a peaceful & restful time with your family.


Mind wasn't one of the home recording restorations (only a few minutes exist in that format, so it wasn't possible) - episodes 2 to 6 were chroma dot recoveries, while episode 1 didn't have any chroma dots so was hand recoloured.

James Fish

Yes, I subsequently looked into the whole process of how they re-colorized several 3rd Doctor stories. It made for quite a read. At least 4 different techniques have been employed to re-colorize some of the episodes. Sounds like it could have been an arduous process in many cases!