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The Clone Wars 1x05 Full Reaction - Google Drive


Thomas Corp

To address your question about Ventress and Grievous: they're roughly at the same level. Grievous has the highest military rank while Ventress operates outside the traditional military hierarchy, second only to Darth Sidious and Count Dooku. It's a similar setup that Grand Moff Tarkin and Darth Vader had in A New Hope. Yes this is the same squad from the previous episode that took place on Kamino. As to your statement, "This is depressing me!" all I can say is, "So it begins."

Dave Hampton

This was my favorite episode so far. I have given the show a few tries before and always quit watching because it has just not grabbed my interest. I said I would give it another try if you reacted to it. This is further into the series than I have made it before (having tries both chronological and air date order). I have been on the fence about continuing because it has still not been grabbing my interest. This episode pushed my interest in the right direction. I hope it continues. I also like the episodes that deal with the clones even though I also have a hard time telling them apart sometimes.