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Supernatural 3x12 Full Reaction - Google Drive



I absolutely agree with you about Victor! Even though season 3 isn't my favorite, Victor and Bela are two of my absolute favorite characters in the series. Victor was just so *determined* and tried to do the right thing. I was so very bummed when he died. I think he would have made a fantastic hunter and I'm sorry that the story had to get cut short (but I'm not *as* sad as I could be, because I know what's coming ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)). This is easily one of the strongest episodes of the season and things only get wilder from here! Your reaction at the end of the ep made me laugh so much - "FUCK. THIS. SHOW!" -- welcome to Supernatural fandom, that's basically our motto lol Also - Sam's reciting a Latin exorcism, so in fic/fandom we just refer to it as exorcising. :)


Yay! This is one of my favorite episodes. I was also hoping Victor would become a regular or a hunter.


This is where I officially despise Bella. So done with her. This also one of my favorites. Hendrickson would have been a great ally for Dean and Sam but when do our boys ever get a real break like that? So strategy versus morality, Ruby was right about the body count (which makes me heartsick), but I don't think Dean and Sam could have lived with the alternative and ripped Nancy's heart out. Though Sam made me very uneasy as he considered it. Then again, we now realize this is war and you do unimaginable, brutal and gut wrenching things to survive so... who was right? And what, you wonder comes next? We have just hit the gas, pedal to the metal on this wild ride. Can't wait for your next reaction!


The thing that kinda kills me is - like Ruby points out, Nancy let the one demon get out to run back to Lilith and alert her to their whereabouts - so it wasn't even Dean and Sam's fault. It was Nancy's - the girl they were trying to save. She was an innocent and probably wouldn't have hurt a fly, she doesn't have Dean and Sam's experience - if she had, then she would have done everything she could to keep the demon from getting away. But that's kind of the rub of it all - the normal folks tend to be safer if they *don't* know anything about all the spooky shit that's going on out there.... until they aren't.

Toasted Toad

Exactly. Ruby says it was all their fault, but it isn't. Dean's plan *would* have worked and saved everybody. And Lillith didn't kill the others trying to get to Sam and Dean either. She just did it for fun, or because she was p***d.