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Mad Max Fury Road Reaction - Google Drive



No one took this movie seriously when it was first announced. The Mad Max films were seen to have had their time, and even the news that George Miller himself was behind it didn't raise many people's hopes. And then we actually saw it, and were blown away, and left begging for another one (though I honestly have no idea how you top this). And as you might imagine, one of the biggest talking points was that after all the, shall we say, "product of its time" aspects of the first three films, this one actually moved with the times and gave Max a female partner who you can even make a good case is the true hero of the movie while he just happens to be hanging around with her. So as you'd expect, there was a bunch of whining from fragile manbabies about this (at the exact same time that we were meeting Rey in Star Wars, which didn't help), but the rest of us didn't let that get us down, and it's now heralded as one of the greatest action films ever made, and even beautifully bridged the gap between low and high art with its visual storytelling that's confident enough that the audience will get everything about this world without the need for much dialogue. This all culminated in its winning six Oscars (editing, production design, costume design, makeup and hairstyling, sound mixing, and sound editing), the most of any film that year, and its legend has only grown since. We've even recently gotten word that Miller has finally gotten the ball rolling on his long-promised film about Furiosa's youth, so you're not quite done with these movies yet.


I took it seriously. But then, I actually understood that - even with the original Mad Max films - the films were rarely ever actually *about* Max himself, but rather about him getting dragged into the story of the people he's encountered. Anybody who gets butthurt about that doesn't understand the films.


Oh, and one more thing: remember I said last time that this movie had something you can take as a big clue to the fan theory that the sequels are all just Max in a psychotic coma hallucinating increasingly grand adventures? Well, Immortan Joe is played by the same guy as the Toecutter from the first film. So you can definitely see that as a sign that his mind is now putting the face of his original archnemesis onto his new enemies. George Miller himself has said it really doesn't matter how the films all fit together or even if any of them are actually about the same guy, though he did squash the theory that this film's Max is the Feral Kid from The Road Warrior who'd taken the name of his hero.

Thomas Corp

It took me a minute to figure out the design, but I really love the shirt! So I would still say that Thunderdome is still my favorite of the series. Now, that being said, this film was very good, visually stunning, and the stunt work was insane and illustrates my argument of there needs to be a best stunts category at the Oscars. I was very impressed with Hugh Keays-Byrne's performance as Immortan Joe and I would say the character's tied with Aunty Entity for my favorite villain of the series. The guitar guy had me dying and I said at one point, "What is this guy doing here?! What practical purpose does this guy possibly serve?!" Yet it was so ludicrously over the top that eventually I just gave into the madness. So the previous comments tell me that I was correct in recalling that this film received backlash about Max not being the primary focus and that he was overshadowed by Furiosa and the other female characters. Now that I've seen this and the previous three films, my thought is, yes it is true Max isn't hugely focused on in this film, but that was the case with the previous films so it's nothing new. As to the complaints about his being overshadowed by the female characters I basically said, "Ok, so the female characters were a lot more interesting than Max. I really don't see the problem here." So I was correct that in the end this has not necessarily become one of my favorite franchises, but it was still a real good experience, I had a good time, and I'm glad I finally got to see these movies. I remember you once said the movie reactions feel like you're having a movie night with us and this journey seeing the Mad Max films for the first time really did feel like as you said having a movie night with you; more so than it usually has with the movie reactions. So I thank you for a real fun time that was had in watching these films with you.