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Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones Full Rewatch - Google Drive

Star Wars Episode 2-Attack of the Clones Full Rewatch Part 2.mp4


Dave Hampton

OK I again will try to keep this short (but maybe fail). First off just to some up a lot with one sentence I agreed with everything you said except I like this movie way more than the first one. This one has less JarJar, better second half action, and a better story for me. Seeing more of Palpatine and him getting emergency powers and such is a very interesting story to me. On Padme and Anakin as I said I agree with everything you have said. For me it is so cringe and it sucks because it is a very important part of the overall Star Wars story. I do not think it is the acting that is bad. They are much better in all the other parts of the film and I think Natalie won an academy award at some point she cant be that bad. It could be a problem with chemistry (maybe), but I think the biggest problem is the dialogue and the writing of the relationship in general. Maybe the direction was part of the problem? I loved your idea of them showing what he did after his moms death and keeping it a secret because sharing it with Padme and having the relationship go where it goes from there does not work for me (but yes hard to do with the rating they wanted I am sure). I could say a lot more but I will just end this with saying I like the approach you are taking with a commitment of this size. See if you and your viewers are enjoying the show enough before committing fully. Hopefully you will love it and lots of viewers will too (and they will be kind).

Thomas Corp

As you say, this is not necessarily the most highly regarded of the franchise. It still holds up rather well. You can tell Lucas listened to some of the fan backlash towards The Phantom Menace which resulted in this film having little to no Jar Jar and the political plotline not being as prominent, hence why Palpatine doesn’t appear much and why we don’t see Darth Sidious, except at the very end. Even then, Ian McDiarmid still makes the most of his rather limited screentime this time around. Though generally speaking not as popular as Darth Maul, Count Dooku is one of the better liked aspects of the film, being played by Sir Christopher Lee and also his duel with Yoda helps of course. Another agreed upon bright spot of the film was Temuera Morrison as Jango Fett which led to his very well received casting as Boba in The Mandalorian and him starring alongside Ming-Na Wen in the upcoming Boba Fett show. Of course, John Williams is great as always. His primary theme for this film entitled Across the Stars is one of my personal favorites. Now as to the romance subplot, when this film came out when I was eleven, I had zero problems with it; looking back on it nineteen years later, I concede that it’s aged horribly. Here’s the thing about that, your comments about how it comes across as unhealthy and obsessive I feel was to some extent deliberate. Also if you really think about it, given both Anakin and Padmé have lived very sheltered lives, him with the Jedi and she through politics and neither of them has had any real relationship experience that they’re unable to get past the infatuation phase to realize they are not compatible for even a casual fling let alone marriage, the awkwardness of it all becomes more believable. I’ve discussed this with my brother a few times and we both agree that the primary issue with the subplot is the execution and we reach the conclusion that it makes realistic sense; unfortunately it doesn’t make for the best entertainment. Your question of Padmé’s under reaction to Anakin’s confession is I would say a valid criticism. These rewatch videos have been so much fun, and I can’t wait for next week for the beginning of your journey into The Clone Wars.