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Let me know which Film you would like to see a reaction to! 



Pretty sure this will be a landslide for Goldeneye haha its not even my fave of Brosnan's (TND is) but I'm voting for it cause its one that has to been seen out of the 4


I'm one of the hipsters who think TWINE is his best, give or take a Denise Richards. Though finding someone who likes Die Another Day is pretty much like a unicorn.

Dave Ford

Goldeneye is going to win this ,... for reasons that I don't entirely understand. I rewatched it last week and I don't think it's aged particularly well. I voted for TWINE as I think it's got a substantially better plot, much better villain, more interesting stuff for Q and M, no awful 90's 'hacking' and, probably, the most eye-rolling line from the hole series to finish the film.

Monty Magpie

Has to be GoldenEye - One of my favorite bond movies and without it, we wouldn't of had one of the best N64 games ever made. I still play GoldenEye 007 a few times a year to this day.

Thomas Corp

Much like how Peter Capaldi is my Doctor, Pierce Brosnan is my James Bond. Therefore I will be more than happy with whichever film wins. Even if it ends up being Die Another Day, (I sincerely doubt it but you never know) I will look forward to your reaction with the greatest anticipation.


i've never understood the hate for DAD i actually really enjoy it more than TWINE also the Madonna song is guilty pleasure lol

Thomas Corp

I actually quite enjoy Die Another Day if for no other reason for Pierce Brosnan and due to the fact that it's a really fun movie. It just happens to be my least favorite of the Brosnan era.

Vicky N

Goldeneye, of course. Second choice would be TWINE. But I can find something to like in each of the Brosnan era Bond films.

Ian Smith

Goldeneye will win,because it ticks all of the traditional boxes; but TWINE is the more interesting movie by far.

Jeff Clark

Honestly wish you'd be watching all of these, Brosnan is the perfect actor to play Bond.

Monty Magpie

I still prefer Brosnan's James Bond over Daniel Craig. its like Doctor Who where everyone has a different favorite incarnation of the same character. I like to believe that conspiracy theory that James Bond is a Time Lord exiled on Earth. He frequently changes his appearance but keeps the same name and personality traits. Sounds very familiar...