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Classic Who "The War Machines" Parts 3&4 Full Reaction! - Google Drive


Steven Cooper

Whenever you see a companion departure like that, it's a sign that behind the scenes, a new production team has come in and summarily discarded the setup created by their predecessors. In this case, Innes Lloyd took over as producer at the end of Season 3 with ideas for revitalising the show (which sorely needed it, since the audience figures had slumped badly since the heady days of the first two seasons) with more straightforward, monster-based sci-fi stories. This included setting a story in present-day London for the first time since the very beginning (not counting the weird case of "Planet of Giants") and introducing a pair of more accessible, up-to-date companions in Ben and Polly -- which unfortunately led to Steven and Dodo getting unceremoniously dumped at the earliest opportunity.


Bringing out your final First Doctor reaction on the 23rd of November is such a lovely idea! :)