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Classic Who "The Web Planet" Parts 5&6 Full Reaction! - Google Drive


Steven Cooper

One of the things I was most curious about with your Classic Who reactions was how closely you would mimic the general public's reaction to the show as it originally happened. So far you're pretty much bang on track... "The Web Planet" was definitely a serious mis-step for the show -- after building up a huge audience with "The Daleks" and even more with "The Dalek Invasion of Earth", over the course of "The Web Planet"'s six episodes about one-fourth of that audience melted away, and basically never returned. (In stark contrast to the modern series, by the time of season 7 in 1970 the show was already on its third brush with cancellation territory -- it was only in the mid-1970s, around season 10, that the viewing figures started climbing up to the previous peak again.) Worse, even those who were still watching didn't like it: the BBC conducted regular audience reaction surveys to its programmes, and the reaction index for "The Web Planet" started on a score of 56 (out of 100) for episode one (comparable to the scores for previous stories), and then slid continuously down to 42 for the last episode, among the worst half-dozen scores the Hartnell era would ever receive. It's already been mentioned in your YouTube comments, but there's a video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VmHEBnNYKs) containing the short links produced for "The Crusade" when it was released on VHS in 1999, which would be the best way for you to experience the missing parts of the story if you don't want to bother with reconstructions. You'd need to watch the introductory section from 0:00 to 2:04 first, then watch episode 1 ("The Lion") (which unfortunately only exists in a fairly poor-quality copy), then watch from 2:05 to 3:42 to cover the missing episode 2, then watch episode 3 ("The Wheel of Fortune"), and finally the rest of the video (3:43 to 6:26), which covers the missing episode 4. It's not ideal, but it would at least let you experience a story which is about as big a contrast to "The Web Planet" as you could possibly imagine... :-)


Well done on making it through this one! I'd agree that William Russell's in-character links as Ian looking back on the story might be the best way of handling The Crusade.