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True Detective: 5:53-13:17

Doctor Who: 13:17-28:55

Vikings: 28:55-34:34

Bandersnatch: 34:34-37:29

The Haunting of Hill House: 37:29-41:32

The Walking Dead: 41:32-48:27


February 2019 Monthly Chat!

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Thank you very much for answering my question, and for giving such an interesting answer as always! :)


Phew I'm glad I posted my questions in time for you to film this haha, thanks for answering everything! Hope you've settled in okay now, your True Detective reactions were great and can't wait for more HoHH videos this month. Sorry to be blunt about how I phrased the Rick question 😄😭 and I was also gonna ask you about Connie and Daryl too but yay you talked about it anyway lol

Dave Hampton

What I personally want from the monthly chats is the more in depth analysis that we get and the uncensored way we get it. We can get that with questions or you can do it on your own I am fine either way. I thought you wanted the less questions route so I did not ask any (though I caved late and asked one but too late/after you filmed). If you are just going to answer question I will be sure to ask some. I would hate to have a monthly chat with only Doctor Who in it because no other questions were asked (not that I hate Doctor Who I just love many of the other shows too). I hope that makes sense. Do it how ever you like. I trust you to make it great, you always do. I like the two movie five dollar idea. Henry is not Rick. So true. lol Henry is on my last nerve TBH. I would be fine with Daryl not going after him except I know he has to for Carol. : )


Yeah I agree that I'd love for these monthly chats to be about all of the shows seen in the month. I get that a lot of people are here for Doctor Who, but I wouldn't want the chats to just be about DW if noone else remembers to ask a question. Though I still enjoy the question-and-answer format too since it makes it feel like more of a community, wouldn't really want that aspect of the chats to go away