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Let me know if you have an questions for this month's chat!

Episodes I've reacted to this month: 

True Detective: 3x01-3x08 

Doctor Who: Resolution, The Keys of Marinus Parts 1-4 

Daredevil: 3x07-3x11

Vikings: S3 Finale, 4x01-4x04

Black Mirror Bandersnatch 

Haunting of Hill House: 1x01-1x03 

The Walking Dead: 9x09-9x11 

The Monthly Chat will be filmed on Wed, Feb 27th. 



Hey Sesska :) Resolution Questions- 1.) What did you think of the Doctor's awesome colorful scarf? The fanbase went wild over it and it sold out on Paul Smith's website in like 5 minutes 2.) Were you satisfied with Ryan forgiving his dad and them working things out? And would you like to see more of their relationship in season 12, or do you feel this, for the most part, sums it up and packages it neatly? 3.) What did you think of the Dalek Junk Chic? And the parallel of the Doctor building her sonic and the Dalek building it's armor in a similar way? Key of Marinus- 1.) What did you think of the lil tiny TARDIS prop?

Ian Smith

Resolution: lots of action! Do you feel the physical stuff suits the 13th Doctor as well as it did the previous ones? Would you like Graham to be as prominent in the next series as he was in series 11? Keys of Marinus: I've not seen your reaction to it yet,but what did you think of the scene in part four,when Barbara is trapped in the cabin with the creepy guy? Secondly,how easy is it for you to make the adjustment to the lower production values of 60s Who?


In episode four of Marinus, it seems pretty clear that the implication is that Vasor wants to sexually assault Barbara - that's certainly been many people's interpretation of it down the years, anyway. This would be pretty strong stuff for Doctor Who *now*, never mind in a children's adventure show in the 1960s. I'm writing this question before seeing your reaction, so I may get an answer there anyway, but I wondered what your thoughts on that scene were? If you agree with that interpretation, and if so whether you think it's an area Doctor Who should or shouldn't be going into?


I might be too late for this but I'll post it anyway True Detective: 1) How did you feel about the finale? I've seen a lot of complaints about how it felt like two big 'info-dumps' and an uneven pace, would you agree? And how did you feel about how it in general? 2) How did you like the season's story (and the season overall) compared to the first two? I don't know if you feel as badly about S2 as other people, though I imagine your love for Taylor Kitsch might've played a role 😄 Do you think S3 was more of what S2 should've been originally? Like just focusing on a 'simple' case (That being, "what happened to the Purcell kids?") compared to the complexity of S2. And how do you think it fares to the first season? I think I might've preferred it but I'd need to think on it more 3) Would you want a Season 4 now? If so, who would you like to cast? 4) General thoughts on Mahershala and Dorff this season? And what did you think of how Amelia's character factored into the story? 5) Knowing you have some history/experience with the subject, how did you feel about the role the Alzheimer's played in the story and how it was portrayed Vikings: 1) How did you feel about Ragnar's sneaky fake-out death in the finale? And the payoff of him revealing he's alive? 2) How do you like Bjorn's little side-plot this season so far about him 'finding himself'? The short throwback to small Bjorn got me emotional, made me feel like he'd "become a man" and that the little boy was gone. I also remembered that 'Bjorn' translates to 'Bear', which adds an obvious layer of symbolism 3) How are you enjoying Rollo's misadventures in Paris? 4) Thoughts on the love-square going on in Wessex? P.S. I'm sorry about the snakes, I don't even have a phobia and that drug trip got me feeling funny too Bandersnatch: 1) What did you think about the concept and execution of the choice mechanic. Did you think it worked well and would you like to see more of it in future shows/films? 2) Did you ever get around to watching any other endings? It's a strange thing to talk about because you can still be spoiled on it while technically having already watched it lol Haunting of Hill House: Not much to ask so far since it's early days, but how are you liking the series so far from your first impressions? I'm really glad you're reacting to this show since you care a lot about characters and the writing is really great here -- have a favourite character yet? The Walking Dead: 1) 👏 Whisperers 👏 How are you liking the new threat so far? How do you think they compare to past villains like Governor, Terminus, and Negan etc. 2) What do you think about Alpha and Lydia's relationship? And do you like Lydia? 3) Since we've had more episodes without Rick than with him now this season, how do you think the show has been doing without Andrew in the 'leading' role? Do you think it's working well as more of an ensemble?