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This is not a normal monthly chat. It's pretty short and I just answered the few questions I got asked. So I hope you enjoy nonetheless. Bring on February 1st!


December/January Monthly Chat!

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Ayy it's nice to have you back, I hope the break was really good for you. Can't wait for all the shows coming back in February, particularly TWD S9 and Vikings and even True Detective (which is really great so far in my opinion). And of course Classic Who is going to be exciting whenever that comes around since I'll probably be watching it for the first time alongside you which'll be fun. Anyways, well done on 2018, hope things go well for this year! :)


Thank you for answering my question. Sorry it was another long one! I thought your "What!?" was pretty good!

Alvin Cura

Hi Jess! I think the time off was good for you. You look great and energized! There was a monthly chat a couple of months ago where I actually felt bad, because you looked kinda tired. It's great to have you back, and wishing you a magnificent 2019.


Hi Jess glad your back and you do look well after you break ok now thank you for answering my questions sorry that it slightly confused you but that was fine ok now we come to the elephant in the room my name it is Alexander but I do prefer Alex I do not think you are going to call me what my older brother calls me 'oh fat one' the of him its ok I call him auld one that's scots for old by the way now as far as Patron is concerned do not worry I just go with what ever you or them come up with oh and a quick mention on accents I love yours the sound of your voice has from time to time sent me to sleep If I am watching one of your video's late at night so that is that so take care we will I hope talk soon and just look after yourself Love light and peace

I have no name

Tennant is more like Davison than Tom Baker

I have no name

Yeah when Matt Smith was cast he watched a bunch of Doctor Who to research the role and it was the performance of the second Doctor he loved the most. They both have similar costumes and uses their hands while talking