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0:00- Channel Rant

22:34-Luke Cage 

28:48-Fear the Walking Dead 

38:51-Doctor Who 

57:56- Broadchurch 



1:19:00-General Questions 


September 2018 Monthly Chat!

P.O. Box Information: Sesskasays P.O. Box 43441 Fayetteville, NC 28309 Patreon for Full Reactions, Movie Reactions & More!: https://www.patreon.com/sesskasays Twitter: https://twitter.com/sesskasays



First off, I'd like to say thank you for really opening up and talking to us about what's going on I understand the feeling when you put so much work and passion into a project, hoping you get that same passion and response back, and then feeling disappointed when you don't :/ It sucks and it's disheartening But what I can say is that the ones who do watch and interact, or even lurk, really really appreciate it. I don't watch much Walking Dead myself, but seeing how much you enjoy it and are passionate about it is contagious and now I'm binging through it so I can watch live with you when the new season comes out And the videos you put out are really unique and thoughtful and made with care and we really do appreciate it, even if we're a smol group who watches So I guess all in all, the group may be small, and the interactions little, but for us who do watch and enjoy, it's creating memories that we can fondly look back at and always come back to, just like with DW December So, thank you for this month :)


Thank you as always for taking the time to answer my question! You were spot-on too with your comments about a lot of people seeming to think Jodie is either the Messiah or the Anti-Christ without a single episode of hers having yet screened!

Stephen Ray

Thanks for this. I'd be happy to be watching reactions to stuff other than Doctor Who, but I'm just so far behind on EVERYTHING. If I ever do get caught up on the Marvel Shows, Sense8, Broadchurch, etc, I'll be dipping back into the archive. My daughter and I are watching Who, so it's the one must-watch.


Heya Jess, I think I posted some FTWD (among other shows) questions when you posted before but I just went back to check and apparently they're not there, so maybe they didn't end up sending whoops 😅 my bad Anyways, I'm happy that you feel comfortable enough to open up with us over here on Patreon about the channel and where you're at -- the content is great and we all love it but also your health is important and, hey, whenever you need to take a break we're not gonna blame you. I'm loving all the videos of the TWD countdown, I love the show and the world as much as you do, and obviously I love your reactions and your appreciation of it all too, so it's been great for me (and I'm sure it's the same for plenty others). I'm sorry that the views and all that for it haven't been as good as they could've but that doesn't mean it's all for nought - I'm hoping you don't get too bogged down in the analytics and everything, they're not vital anyway, the fans are still there for you. Small or large, got your back <3 Can't wait for the TWD reactions next week! Hope the next month treats ya kindly

Karl Straba

Athelstan the guardian angel!! lolol I like it


Ok Jessica you must forgive me as i am writing this and i am a little drunk but please for my sake when i as a question for the next monthly chat to family and pals i am called Alex not Alexander only my late mother called me by my full name only because i would be in trouble or she wanted something as you have noticed i am now on Twitter ok so from now on its Alex its that or hay you or you can do what my brother calls me oh fat one well i have been called worse than that ok just as long as you do not find me to be a complete pain in the butt then i think we are good pal wise sorry that this is a bit long winded but that is me when it comes to my name now oh dear things are getting a bit much for you and you have the feeling you are not loved well sorry to say this Sesska thats a lot of BS if you have to take an extra day off to give yoursel breathing space then you do that as i have mentiond before your subscribers on YT and Patron are not running away and if they stuff them they do not know what they are missing you young lady come first heath wise that dam hurricane buggered your plans up ok blame God not yourself you can hardly do anything about it with out power beleve me i know what that is like if you want you can just for a change twitter me questions i will be delighted to answer your questions alright to your YT channel me i will watch your reactons to any thing you want to comment on to quote Gone with the wind 'quite frankly my dear i do not give a dam ' and that's it from me love light and peace


'The anxiety companion' is my new favorite phrase xD


I'm glad you feel like you can vent to us. We're here for you if you need! <3

Ian Smith

For what it's worth,I usually click on all your videos...but,if they are for a show that I don't watch,I don't tend to stick around for too long :) As regards the Dr Who three partner: I'm glad that they decided to do one for Capaldi;but I feel that part 3 has something of a shaggy-dog story about it,and it rushes it a little toward the end. Looking forward to your reaction though (as I always do!)