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Wolverine: Origins Reaction - Google Drive



I actually like this film. Or at least, I recognise it's not great, but I can find it enjoyable. I used to watch it all the time cause my little brother always put it on, but it's gonna be great to rewatch this with you


I think watching X-Men Origins: Wolverine along with Jess was the only thing that would make me revisit this movie. It WAS fun, but the film is such a slog. Oh well, onwards to the good stuff!


I like a lot of the story elements in this movie like seeing him and Sabretooth go through the wars and joining a bad mutant team and whatnot but the execution wasn't very good. The next Wolverine movie is pretty forgettable as well but then there's Logan which is fantastic. I'm glad you already seen the first 3 x-men movies so that I don't have to watch part 3 again lol.


Yesss to the DP 2 reaction And hyped for this reaction :D Gonna watch it rn


Oh yes I forgot to vote on Deadpool 2. I think that would be a fun way to end the reaction to this franchise.


Absolutely wait to watch DP2 until you're caught up with the rest.

Karl Straba

I liked this movie honestly lol I know it got mixed reviews but really it's a fun, entertaining movie at the end of the day too. So minus some of the nitpicking I think its a good movie lol..but now I'm excited to see it again along side your perspective too! : )

Dave van der Kuyp

I really don’t like this movie, but like with Dark Knight Rises, the extra element added with reactions makes it entertaining to watch. So thanks. Also, I agree. Cyclops is the leader of the xmen. I want a team movie where they explore his story. Hopefully we can get some now Marvel has them back. Where they focus on the lesser explored characters and character combinations and not just the standard ‘oh well everyone knows wolverine so we need to make him the main ch in all these’.