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TV Show Tag Questions!

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Dave Hampton

Good pilot episodes 24, Dark Angel, and I agree The Americans. Yes the question should read (for everyone) what show other than Firefly was the most canceled before its time. Oh and the answer is The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Best show intros GoT, Stranger Things, Luke Cage, and Doctor Who. I have seen all of Doctor Who since the reset (if that is what it is called) (since Eccleston) and only a little of the old school Doctor Who but I have to say I really like the old school intros more. I knew you were going to say Seinfeld lol. I do not know if I already knew that about you or just how I knew but I knew. I enjoyed Seinfeld but I can for sure see how it is not for everyone. Also you might have to edit your best finale list since you recorded this now that you have seen The Americans finale. : )

Ana Decaprio

1) I don't find Seinfeld funny either. 2) I also said Firefly for most disappointing cancellation :( 3) Best opening titles is BSG, "..and they have a plan..." ding ding ding ding. It's iconic. Helo and Athena are such an amazing couple!! They are so strong together. My favorite is Gaius and Caprica 6! They're just meant to be. <3

Dave Ford

Firefly for the most prematurely cancelled, obvs. Best opening titles? I'd have said, without question, The Sopranos. I've got a huge spot for some of the action shows of the eighties such as Airwolf, but, no, absolutely The Sopranos. Don't mind the finale though - it's not one of my favs, but I didn't hate what they did. Don't mind a bit of mystery. (viz. The Americans). Having said that every single episode of Lost I saw made we want to through things at the TV because they never explained anything properly. Still angry about that show..

Mark McKeown

Only a few were left unanswered with Lost, majority was resolved I feel.

Karl Straba

Shout out to True Detective!! woot :)

Karl Straba

Seinfeld was actually a really good answer even tho u dont like it in general lol It was generally received by the mass that it was really terrible at the start lol