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So here's the thing with the Doctor Who Spin-Offs.....I knew for a while that I would be getting to all of them but I honestly didn't know how much I would enjoy them. Especially The Sarah Jane Adventures. Watching a children's/teen program is not entirely the stuff I thought I would be reviewing for my channel. However, I do really love Sarah Jane so there was hope for it. 

I am surprised and happy to say that the ending to the Season One finale took my favorite TV moment of the week. Is the Sarah Jane Adventures childish? Yes. But I think if I put myself into that mindset before I watch it then I enjoy it a lot more (this however does not apply to the Slitheen.....they always suck). There's something about trying to think way way back into my early teens and imagining myself back then watching it and it comes across a lot better that way. 

Now anytime K-9 shows up, I am a very happy camper. But when he shows up to defeat Mr. Smith who is now apparently evil? I love him even more. This was such a fun and great episode that really brought the whole season together and the last bit was just a bunch of really awesome fan service that I loved very deeply. The only downside was that K-9 couldn't stay any longer. How rude. I wonder who I can write to in order to complain. 

I'm pretty excited to move forward with the show and see how it evolves over the seasons. I think the first season had a couple very good stories and I do hope it continues into the second season. It's been an absolute joy exploring this other side of Doctor Who even if it only gets brief cameos from the beloved K-9. 




Aw, how sweet this made the top moment! I've really enjoyed your reactions to this series, especially revisiting the episodes myself, most of which I haven't watched since they were originally on. I'm very much looking forward to your reactions to the subsequent seasons!


K-9 ranks among the best in my list of companions! Good dog!


Aw yay, my first Sesska TV moment of the week since becoming a patron! I can't wait to see your reactions to the show moving forward, the show really hit its stride towards the end of season 1


Soo... what you're saying is... you're gonna react to K9 and Company? xD


Will you be watching more contemporary DW spin-off "Class" after season 9? Because I would highly recommend it. It's pretty great. Btw, I curious: have you ever watched Torchwood?