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Doctor Who 8x10 Reaction Sneak Peek!

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I’m very intrigued to see what you make of this one :P

Monty Magpie

This episode is in my top 5 worst NuWho episodes. The ending is very confusing. it just felt like they wrote the entire story and script during their lunch break. I refuse to even re-watch it lol

Monty Magpie

well if her Love and Monsters reaction is anything to go by, she might enjoy it lol not me though, I despise this episode.

Janel Rodriguez

"During their lunch break" LOL. I agree that it seems like they needed more time to firm this script up before they shot it, and it appears that they just didn't have it. So this episode is kind of limp, but I DID rewatch it (I rewatched all of Twelve's episodes before his regeneration episode) and was surprised that I thought that it wasn't THAT bad. It's just...not that good.

Ian Smith

Never have I been more tempted to skip a Sesskasays reaction...but,no!! My loyalty is far too great :)

Jeff Clark

I rewatch episodes ahead of Jess seeing them so if it's not a full reaction I know the bits in between. Rewatched this one yesterday and honestly didn't think it was that bad. Only thing that I didn't like was how slow everyone was to understand what the earths/trees real motivation was.

Karl Straba

Hahahah shes got spaghetti arms..why was she running like that?? lolol


This episode bored me when I first watched it, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE that scene in between Clara and the Doctor in front of the TARDIS.

Steven Cooper

Having now seen your reaction, I see you were as bemused by the bafflingly obscure final scene as everyone else was. The intended inference seems to be that the alien intelligence took her sister in order that Maebh would become a channel it could use to communicate, and is returning her unharmed now that its task is done. But it's such a carelessly glib ending, with poor Annabel not even getting so much as a line to tell us how she feels about being abducted for a whole year, that the only possible reaction is "WTF?!" In my book covering the first two years of Capaldi's Doctor (pardon this brief commercial: <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Steven-Moffats-Doctor-Who-2014-2015-ebook/dp/B01N3Z4I2I/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.amazon.com/Steven-Moffats-Doctor-Who-2014-2015-ebook/dp/B01N3Z4I2I/</a> ), I called this episode "one of the oddest things ever broadcast under the Doctor Who banner", and I still stand by that description. It's trying to do some interesting and unusual things, like present a story with no villain at all, where the Doctor's correct course of action at the climax is to do nothing. But it's all just so dull, with a gaggle of poorly acted children who stop the momentum cold whenever the story focuses on them because the script gives them absolutely nothing interesting to say or do. The best bit of actual character-based drama in the episode is Clara's ruse to get the Doctor back to the TARDIS -- as recent episodes have shown, she's becoming disturbingly good at using pragmatic, Doctor-like lying to get her way. And I liked the moment when Danny's palpable disappointment shames her into agreeing to be honest with him from now on, reflecting the theme of the larger story ("Fear a little bit less, trust a bit more"), and making good use of the music from Clara's "fear" monologue in "Listen". A relative high point in this rather sad misfire of an episode.

Stephen Ray

The best part of this episode is that they're still trying. The next best thing is Clara's relationships with the two men in her life. Then Missy's cameo. Then... The kids are cute? The concept is so bad and the end so confusing that I'll take what I can get.