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Please let me know what questions you will have for January's Monthly Chat! 

Episodes I will be covering: 

The Punisher: 1x05-1x08

Doctor Who: 8x01-8x04 

Agents of SHIELD: 5x06-5x08 

I will be recording the Monthly Chat on January 23rd. I have seen all of these Punisher and Doctor Who episodes at this point so don't worry about posting questions regarding those episodes. :) 



I would like to know firstly what your initial thought are about 12. I know you didn’t know what to expect, but is there anything that surprises you or you are happy about his character? Also how does the show ‘feel’ to you now that a new era has begun. For me S8 really stood out to be the beginning of bigger budget and unique stories.


Also - is Clara still not there for you yet? I think she had more development in the first four episodes of S8 than she did for the 10 stories in S7.


What do you think of Danny pink so far?


It was recently revealed that David Tennant was being planned for series 5 to be his final series if he decided to stick around. With it starting outside little Amelia's house, with her helping him back to the tardis to regenerate. However he only sees her again when she's grown up but Tennant's Doctor has no memory of this happening or her because that was in his future. So basically the entire series is leading up to that point in his future and Amy's past. How would you have felt about this? Do you reckon it would have worked?


Regarding the Punisher so far: I'm curious what/whether there are scenes that you enjoyed that didn't make the reaction videos for whatever reason.


DW 8x01: You seemed to like the two scenes with Vastra questioning Clara, and 12 questioning Half-face Man. You touched on it briefly in the reaction video, but what did you see in those scenes that you liked so much?

Mark McKeown

It's been a while since I've asked questions - on here lol. 8x01 - You seemed to enjoy 12 from the moment he appeared, putting to bed any fears that people may have had over you disliking him, or finding him too abrasive to create any kind of connection with. Do you like that he's a bit straight edged and to-the-point, or are you still looking for some glimpses of kindness and love that perhaps would have been more evident if it was 11 in these situations? Or perhaps you have already seen such moments? I feel like perhaps 12 has already exceeded whatever expectations you may have had, taking in to consideration both your love for 11, and the warnings people gave you around the stark contrasts between them both. I know you have always been anxious about when Matt was due to leave, but if you think back to whatever "fears" you may have had then, particularly after seeing him pop up in "Day of the Doctor", compared to now - being 4 episodes in - how do you feel those expectations differ to today's feelings? 8x04 - In "Listen" it is revealed that it was Clara who basically planted the seed in the Doctor's head around fears of not always being alone, and perhaps giving him nightmares around there being something under the bed. This delves deeper in to just how much Clara has influenced the Doctor's life at one point or another. Do you like this aspect of her character and how she is so entangled in his timeline, or do you think the conclusion in "Name of the Doctor" around her saving the Doctor was enough? Fanks

Dave Ford

Okay, Listen is a bit of a highlight for me. It cements Clara as being hugely important in the Doctor's life and implanting certain ideas in his head - some of these ('fear is a superpower', 'never cruel, never cowardly') are self-evident, but others are more subtle. The biggest of these is the toy soldier she gives him which Danny once had and which she'd previously described as 'A soldier so brave he doesn't need a gun. He can keep the whole world safe..' - what do think of this idea that the Doctor is 'the soldier without a gun'? Do you think it fits in at all with how the Doctor has previously been written? (and, feel free to skip this if you want).

Monty Magpie

it reminds me of what Davros said in Journey's End - "The man who abhors violence, never carrying a gun, but this is the truth, Doctor: you take ordinary people and you fashion them into weapons"

Ian Smith

You're 4 episodes in:1) what has been your favourite Capaldi/12 moment so far? 2) How far ahead do you usually go before uploading reactions?


What did you make of the relationship/dynamic between robin hood and the doctor, especially the 2 prison scenes. I ask only because I find those to be some of the funniest moments of the show.

Monty Magpie

Did you notice The Doctor giving Robin Hood the middle finger just before he reaches for the spoon?

Dave Hampton

Questions for The Punisher. These are for episode 8 which I have not seen your reaction to yet so if these are covered in the reaction feel free to skip them. What are your thoughts on Sarah kissing Frank? What are your thoughts on Frank and Zach (Micro's son) regarding Frank trying to help him out. Finally you keep saying this show is going to hurt you (ie. it wont be happy), what are your thoughts on Sam?


So glad to see that you are getting some rest from the grueling pace that you set for yourself in December. Also, my heartfelt “Congratulations” to you for hitting the 25K subs milestone! Well done! Questions for The Punisher: 1. What has been your favorite moment or moments so far in this series? 2. If you could sit down on the couch with Sarah (and a couple of bottles of wine, of course), what advice would you share with her? 3. What would you think of a crossover by having Mickey Smith and Strax showing up to help Frank? OK, maybe I have been hitting the Scotch! ;-) LOL! 4. Not a question, I just want to say “Thank You” for reacting to this show. I had never heard of it and only found it from your reactions. This show is now one of my favorite shows of all time. Questions for Doctor Who: 1. What are your thoughts on the Doctor/Clara relationship? More specifically, The Doctor’s willingness or reticence to listen to Clara and her overall influence on him. 2. Also, your general comments and thoughts about Danny Pink up to this point.


Congratulations on hitting 25K! Thank you so much for all of your hard work. I was just wondering how your views on Clara have changed since S7 of Doctor Who. Do you like her any more or less?

Ana Decaprio

Doctor Who: First a random thing: The way 12 and Clara talk to each other, their dynamic, their roles remind me of Sherlock and Watson! As I’m rewatching it, I see Sherlock and John in them haha. Going forward, see if you notice that lol. Wondering your general thoughts on: a) The Doctor b) Danny c) Clara d) Missy Listen is such an amazing episode, I just wanna know all your thoughts on it! It is possibly the scariest since “Day of the Moon”. You know it’s gonna be scary when anyone goes to a Children’s Home. What did you think about us not finding out what the creature was in ‘Listen’, not finding out what was outside Orson Pink’s ship, and just all the unanswered questions? What are your thoughts on Clara’s talk with the little kid version of the Doctor? Random question: do you think it would have been cool for Robin Hood to become a companion? (he can bring Marion if he wants.)


What do you think of the first four Capaldi episodes compared to the first four episodes of the other Doctors?


As you have probably picked up on by now, the subject of soldiers seems to be coming up a lot this season in Doctor Who. While the show is, at times, a bit too simplistic in how it handles topics like this, I'm curious to hear your thoughts on the matter. Because while I do think the Doctor is often very black & white on this issue, I think season 8 is the first time the show tries to hold up a mirror to the Doctor's belief system. For example, in episode 2, the Doctor says to the soldier with him that "a dalek is a better soldier than you'll ever be." In his mind, he equates daleks to soldiers. This is then flipped back at him in the end, when Rusty tells the Doctor that HE is "a good dalek." Or in other words, the Doctor is a good soldier. You can find parallels between the Doctor and soldiers in several other episodes of the season, such as episode 4 where Clara leaves the young doctor a soldier figure (which is, notably, lacking a gun despite being in a shooting stance). Im curious as to what your thoughts are on how the season is handling this thread so far. Do you think it's adding more insight to the character? Or is it missing the mark?