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Hey Lovelies! 

I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Holiday Season! 

Because I'm visiting my family over New Years I won't be able to get Batman Begins out right on January 1st. I'm very very sorry but it will be uploaded just a couple days after so look out for it on the 3rd or 4th of January. 

I'm really excited to watch it! 

Be Safe. Be Kind. 

Much Love, 




Have fun with the fam!!! <3

Dean Nolan

Hope you have a Happy New Year x


Have a Happy New Year (even after TOTD) and enjoy your family! Safe Travels!

Dave Ford

Have a wonderful time back with your folks in the Big Apple - I can barely imagine anywhere more fun to spend the New Year!

Ana Decaprio

Hope you have a wonderful time back with family again! Say hi to Brad for me!


Enjoy your time off, you deserve it :)


Hope you have an amazing time with your family. Can't wait to see your reaction to Batman Begins. Absolutely love that film