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Hey Lovelies, 

I was wondering if anyone would be upset or adversed to me posting the two monthly videos a few days later. This will give you guys the opportunity to see my Time of the Doctor Reaction before the chat so you will have time to ask questions about it. Also it will free up some time for me to focus on editing other things and packing to go home for a few days. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed so let me know what you guys think. 

I would probably move posting the Monthly Chat to January 4th. Let me know if that works for you guys? 

Merry Christmas! 

Much Love, 




Sounds fine! If it works better for you, then that is probably preferable, and I would also love to ask questions about Time of the Doctor. Take the time you need, especially now during the holidays and with packing and everything. Merry Christmas!

Stephen Ray

Sounds great! It will be better getting "The Time of the Doctor" questions, and I doubt anyone will be upset about a delay that short.

Mark McKeown

Anyone upset should take a long, hard look in the mirror lol

Dave Hampton

Of course that is fine. My goodness you have be putting out so many videos this month it is crazy. Take some time and relax.


Sounds like a good plan and take whatever time you need. Life takes priority over any of this!!!! We are grateful for the effort you put into this, but you are more important than this channel. Hug Rocko!

Ana Decaprio

Yes! I need time to generate questions. Plus i haven't finished your reaction to Day. And yes you do deserve a break. 😊 So when would you be filming it?


Absolutely fine! I was hesitant about asking questions before seeing your reaction in any case! :)


Perfectly fine!

Dave Ford

Absolutely! Have a good time with your folks!

Janel Rodriguez

Of course it's fine! You've been more than generous. Plus it's the holidays. Don't worry at all! Have fun!

Shaun Houghton

Whenever it is good for you, it is good for me.

Karl Straba

I have a problem with that..obviously .... Obviously just kidding ; )