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Let me know what questions you would like me to answer for December's Monthly Chat!! 

The episodes I will be covering.....

The Punisher: 1x01-1x04 

Agents of SHIELD: 5x01-5x05 

Stranger Things: 2x05-2x09 

The Walking Dead: 8x07 & 8x08 

Doctor Who: 8th Doctor Movie, An Adventure in Space and Time, Day of the Doctor, Time of the Doctor, etc. 

The Monthly Chat will be filmed on December 26th. 



Sesska, Here are a few: 1. What was your favorite video to make for DW December? 2. Which video were you the most nervous about posting for DW December? 3. Were you surprised (good or bad) about the reactions to any of the videos? 4. Not a question per se, but just want to give a shout out to Rocko! Can he get a cameo appearance?? Thanks again for the wonderful job on DW December. You deserve a well earned break. Enjoy your family over New Year's!


What was the most unexpected/surprising thing you learned in the Dr Who Movie and in the The Daleks? Did you learn anything that confirmed what you had previously suspected?


Curious about Time of the Dr - I think you will have watched it by the 26th, and then posting it on Dec 31.


My question would be: 1) Which 50th Anniversary did you enjoy the most?


2) Which had the most emotional impact?


3) Which explained the most about the History of the Doctor?


I'm not sure if you have recorded time of the doctor yet, so if not don't read this question as its got spoilers for time of the doctor. Which did you find more upsetting out of amy's exit or the ending of time of the doctor?


Stranger Things: How do you feel this season compares to the first, and where would you like to see the show go in season 3?


Doctor Who: How do you feel about the Matt Smith era as a whole and how did it change your view of the show? What will the 12th Doctor need to do to win you over, or conversely, what would be the worst thing he could be like for you?


Now that I've seen your reaction to Day of the Doctor, I want to know what thoughts and comments you had (you mentioned it in the reaction video) on the depiction of the Time War. Also, a little off topic so feel free not to answer this, but have you decided yet if you are going to try to catch up and be "current" before the new episodes start in the fall?

Dave Hampton

I knew I had until late tonight/early tomorrow to get this in so I postponed it. You have so many questions this month. So I will just ask about two things. One did you catch and were you into the "meta" moment with Lucas and Madmax when she was talking about how the story seemed derivative? Kind of the writers shooting back at the audience about season one. Two, what did you think of the hotel room scene with Nancy and Jonathan? Her saying she waited before going back with Steve, him saying Will needed him.


Ok! Third post on Doctor Who now that I've seen your reaction to Time of the Doctor. Have you watched Time of the Doctor again? If so, what did you pick out from subsequent viewings that you missed the first time around?

Ana Decaprio

Doctor Who: Day of the Doctor: What did you think of the explanation of the Time War and the Doctor’s moral dilemma? Was there anything you wish was done differently? What did you think of John Hurt’s Doctor and his performance? Do you wish you could’ve gotten to know him more? That quote, “the man who regrets and the man who forgets” makes me think about how soldiers suffering from PTSD can react to their past differently from other soldiers. Some might feel remorse, while others may go into denial and pretend everything’s ok. I know you know more about the military, soldiers, and their lives than I do. So I’m wondering your thoughts on how this quote aligns the Doctor with soldiers today. Time of the Doctor: I know this episode broke you heart and hurt you very much. I’m so sorry that you watched this for the first time. What did you think of his last speech, the fall of his bowtie!, and the musical score in the background? Was it everything you wanted for his last moments? Now that you’ve finished the specials, do you have any new thoughts about Clara now that you’ve seen her save the Doctor once again? Are you excited to see her in Season 8?


Doctor Who, but also broadens out into a general query: In your Day of the Doctor full reaction, I noticed that you looked really quite genuinely pissed off at the gag about why the Americans can’t be allowed to have time travel. I know you’ve commented before that you have “resting bitch face,” which sometimes leads people to think you’re annoyed at things when you’re not, but I didn’t ever recall seeing you looking so angry at anything in an episode of Doctor Who before. I hope you weren’t too upset by it? This leads me on to my more general query, if that’s permissible… Something I don’t recall seeing in any of your videos – although you may have covered it in one I haven’t seen – is any observations you might have of the differences between British and American shows that you watch. Do you think there are any generalisations you’ve noticed in the differences between dramas made in one country or another? What about the American-set episodes of Doctor Who and Black Mirror? Do they get it right, do you think? I know particularly early on in Doctor Who’s return the American-set episodes, such as Dalek and the Daleks in Manhattan two-parter, used to come in for criticism from American fans on message boards for the quality of accents from some of the actors, but that’s not something I’ve noticed you mention at all. And of course I know that your favourite show stars a British actor putting on an American accent! Just basically any observations you have of an cultural or production differences you’ve noticed in the British shows you watch would be interesting, I think.


I might be late with this, but I thought I might just drop some questions anyway, and we'll see! :) 1. What was the moment that you really connected the Eleventh Doctor as 'Your Doctor'? Was it a specific moment? Already in his first episode? Or was it more gradual? 2. How did editing Time of the Doctor go, and were there things you noticed or connected that you didn't the first time around? 3. Doctor Who December was AMAZING and thank you so much for that. I was curious, since you've talked about watching Classic Who, out of the Classic Doctors you've seen, or glimpses and knowledge you have about them, what do you think of them this far?