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I can not express how much I adored last week’s episode of The Walking Dead. The whole spotlight on Eugene was everything I wanted and more. It’s so heartbreaking in a sense. We have spent seasons watching Eugene grow. He time and time again slowly put himself on the line for others. When we went in to save Tara when Glenn’s group was on the run, when he fought alongside everyone in No Way Out and when he literally bit down on Dwight’s “d” are all amazing examples of the character pushing his feelings of cowardice aside. And we as fans cheered for him. 

What I love about this episode is I was still in the mode of wanting to see Eugene pull through. I really wanted him to just shock everyone and do something spectacularly smart to help out Rick. But that didn’t happen and will probably never happen. What The Walking Dead did was take this character and stuck him on a very realistic path. Those of us who watch a lot of TV almost always expect characters like this to pull through in the long run. But I just don’t think we’re going to get that ending for Eugene. 

Eugene was traumatically scarred by so many events. In my opinion, seeing Abraham die the way he did probably did it. This is the man who protected him for so long. That he put faith in. And make of it what you will that he is now putting faith in Abraham’s killer. Eugene clings to strength and security. 

For me, I sort of understand (though am very unhappy about) why Eugene is so scared and trying to convince himself he is doing the right thing by not risking his life for his “traveling companions”. However, all I have to do is think of Abraham and Rosita and it absolutely infuriates me to my core. Let’s just hope he doesn’t say the term “traveling companions” in front of Rosita. I can’t imagine that would go over very well at all. 

Wow, I just talked a whole lot before actually getting to the scene…..the moment I loved for this week was when Josh was knocking it out of the park with his speech to Gabriel. I literally thought Eugene was yelling at me through the TV screen. He was yelling at me to stop having faith in him. He was yelling at me to make me understand he was Team Negan all the way. And my goodness, messaged received. Josh did such a brilliant job on this episode in so many ways and I was honestly so happy and proud for him. 

I still like Eugene as a character. I’m not rooting for him. But I do still enjoy watching him. I enjoy him being in my favorite show. Part of me does want to see him get his in the end…..if nothing else but for Abraham’s sake. Part of me wants to see him live this war out to see what happens at the end of it all. If Rick’s side wins…..will there be a trial of Eugene Porter? (very Battlestar Galactica of me I know) Honestly I can’t wait to find out. But this right here is the sole reason I love this show so much. I haven’t seen another show that explores the inner workings of characters in such terrible times like this one does. 

I’m so sad the Mid-Season Finale is tonight. The Walking Dead makes my Sundays. The Walking Dead makes my weeks. But I’m preparing myself as best as I can. Let’s do this. 



Dave Hampton

oooo the trial of Eugene Porter, I look for ward to that being your favorite scene of the week sometime in the future. : ) Not that it will happen, but if it did.