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Video Quality is kinda crappy....I'm not entirely sure what happened but I hope you still enjoy!

Channel Talk: 0:00-11:48

Black Mirror: 11:48-26:34

Stranger Things: 26:34-39:52

Doctor Who: 39:52-55:40 

The Walking Dead: 55:40-1:13:28 


November Monthly Chat!!!

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I was lucky enough to have the chance to interview John Hurt once, in the day job. Annoyingly it was about two weeks before his casting in Doctor Who was announced, so I didn't get the chance to ask him about that! He was lovely, though, and if you'd like a quick recap of some of his other roles, and to hear him good-naturedly tell me off about suggesting he always plays characters with unhappy ends, you can skip to the last minute of the interview here: <a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p014jyz9" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p014jyz9</a>

Ian Smith

Yes,John Hurt is probably best known as the guy in Alien with the chest-hugger exploding out of him.


One role John Hurt played was Ollivander the Wandmaker in the Harry Potter movies.

Steven Cooper

I like your analysis of "The Name of the Doctor". I think it surpasses both of the two previous Moffat season finales because it works on both the emotional and the plot-logic level. In Season 5, "The Big Bang" was a beautifully emotional climax to the season, but bringing the Doctor back into existence through the power of memory is basically a fairytale ending. The next year, the explanation of the season-long tease of the Doctor's apparent death was an ingenious piece of plotting but didn't have much emotional resonance. This ending, though, was both emotionally satisfying (even more so with the River/Doctor scene afterwards) and very cleverly thought out. It also draws a firm line under the whole "impossible girl" mystery, ensuring that from now on, Clara no longer needs to be kept at a distance from the audience. I'm not surprised you haven't really warmed to Clara yet, since she's been as much a puzzle piece as a person up to this point. I think that'll change soon, though... :-)


I first saw John Hurt as The Storyteller, in the amazing series by the same name, created by Jim Henson. Think Labyrinth, but with the grim darkness and black humor of early european folk tales.

Stephen Ray

John Hurt played the protagonist in 1984, and the opposite role in V for Vendetta. So good!

Stephen Ray

And I loved the explanation of Clara's role. Some people hate it. "Moffatt made her the most important character in Who!" But that's true only if you believe The Great Intelligence is now the most important villain. What I liked most about it was it showed she is the sort of person who will sacrifice herself to save the Doctor. Not every companion gets that chance, or would take the opportunity.

Shaun Houghton

Really appreciate the time taken to give a full response to my question. To have have the prominence of being answered first, is just spectacular. I hope the work and dedication you put into your channel continues to provide fun and enjoyment for yourself. I, for one appreciate the effort you put in to produce great videos. As a side thing, in my case, the surname is pronounced as "Horton".

Ana Decaprio

Like you, I thought the explanation for Clara's "multiples" was great. I just remember thinking, "that's really cool." And I'm also not a fan of seeing people who do not have military rank give orders to soldiers or expect respect from soldiers. First Donna, then Clara. It irks me.