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What upcoming season of Doctor Who do you think will be my favorite? 


Dave Ford

I don't think it'll be eight..


So many things I want to comment! But all of them will give you not spoilers exactly, but hints you could use to figure things out. Or over/under-hype things and skew your enjoyment. I'll just vote and leave it as that. 😉

Monty Magpie

Series 9 is the best out of those 3 imo


I think 8 is a bit underrated, but i think Jess will like 10 most.


Season 9 is probably my favorite season overall of NuWho, as much as I love the Tennant seasons. I think it'll be between 9 and 10 for you, depending on which character(s) you prefer...

Stephen Ray

I love them all. I thought 8 was good, but some weak episodes. 10 was probably the most consistently good with a really good finale. But 9 has to be my favourite. Probably my most rewatched episodes are there. I think Jessica will probably like 9 or 10 more than 8, but for reasons, I give the edge to 9 for her as well.

Stephen Ray

I think the good news is that there's some disagreement over which upcoming season she will prefer. And it's not because they suck.


I'm biased because it's my favorite, but your taste generally seems to line up with mine when it comes to Doctor Who. And I think Season 9 is pretty easily better than 8 and 10 (and may be the best season of the show overall, which is tough for me to admit considering I'm a Matt Smith fanboy and adore S5 and 6).


10, I think.

Janel Rodriguez

Rewatching 9 now and thinking about what Jess will like. I think 9 is a great season. But so is 10. I agree with Dave. She won't like 8 for reasons. First, she'll miss Matt too much, and the writing for 12 in season 8 is not quite "there" yet. and...that is all for now. :-)

Peter Nolan

*I* like S8 but just bearing in mind things Jess liked or disliked in earlier seasons S8 pushes a lot of her buttons in a bad way. But I think she'll love the whole dynamic of S10. S9 I think she'll adore some episodes but not be able to stand others.

Ana Decaprio

This comment is quite spoilery. I think you should delete it. She wants to go in completely blind.

Dylan Cooper

Without spoiling anything, Series 9 is my least fave series of Doctor Who. Can’t stand it, it didn’t even feel like Doctor Who to me. Series 8 is meh, I don’t think you’ll like it really. The most recent series, Series 10, is by far superior to the previous two. Really think you’ll enjoy and appreciate lots of aspects of it! :)

Dean Nolan

I just loved this latest series! 10, but all good x

Janel Rodriguez

Okay. Done. I didn't think it was spoilery, but since two of you find it so, I have edited it.


Hard to say! With Moffat staying as the showrunner, it's very much the same kind of show with the same heart beating that we had in seasons 5-7, so I seriously doubt any of them will let you down. I think 8 will give you the most feelings, but each of them are quite fun in their own way. And I think- well, I hope that after Twelve comes along and has had time to develop (and he really does develop throughout his run) he'll be competing with Matt for that top Doctor spot.


I like all of them though s9 is my favorite. However, considering Jess' likes and dislikes from before I think her favorite might be 10... Possibly 9, depending on what characters she'll like and such. Though I think there are some storylines, characters and episodes in s8 she'll enjoy as well.

Janel Rodriguez

I kept flipping back and forth between 9 and 10...