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“I don’t die.” 

Morgan’s scenes in this last episode were my absolute favorite. He has gone through such a complicated journey and at the end of it all, I think he is a man who is trying to decide what’s right. I loved the pairing of Morgan and Carol in the previous seasons because they have similar mentalities when it comes to the apocalypse. They don’t die. For whatever reason, they don’t. Even when they want to. In some regards, they both know they themselves are a lethal weapon. They’ve killed a lot and over time , it’s gotten very easy for them. 

So what should they do? Morgan has gone through complete opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to how he feels. We’ve seen some amazing episodes analyzing his thought process towards his place in the world with “Clear” and “Here’s Not Here”. After everything that happened last season, it seems pretty clear what Morgan wants to do. He has accepted the fact that these people need to die for a better life for everyone he holds dear. The flashback to the meeting in the church was oh so good. 

Morgan and his two companions got wrecked with bullets pretty soon after that door flew open. But he didn’t die. Morgan doesn’t die. (By the way if you’re wondering…..yes I am actually concerned for him this season now.) When he got up and just started shooting literally everyone that moved, it was such a perfect example showcasing the reason that Morgan was so against killing is because he is so very good at it. Eastman pulled him back. Should he be reigned in? Or is Morgan exactly what they all need right now? 

And one of the main reasons Morgan got pushed to the edge last season was because of that scumbag Jesus essentially saved from Morgan putting a hole straight through his chest. Now they have prisoners (probably much to Morgan and Tara’s dismay) I’m very excited to see what is going to happen next. I am literally counting down the hours until tonight. 



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