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I'm so very excited for next week! What are you most excited about??



definitely harry potter lol


Almost equally excited between the DW Announcement and Harry Potter. But considering just how much of an emotional rollercoaster Deathly Hallows is going to be for you, I had to vote for that. I'm evil that way. :)

Stephen Ray

I'm excited about the Who announcement, too, but definitely more excited for your reaction to Deathly Hallows. I just have your reaction to Prisoner to watch before then.

Dave Ford

Well, I should be more excited for the DW announcement, which I suspect will be epic. But I know what's coming in HP, and how much you'll enjoy it. So HP it is.


The DW announcement is very exciting but I'm going to be in Disneyland on Halloween and I'm really excited for that.

Dylan Cooper

The Harry Potter reaction - closely followed by this mystery announcement! Really excited :D

Dave Hampton

This was a tough vote. I love Halloween but it was 4th on the list. I love Harry Potter and Stranger Things more than Doctor Who (I know I am in the minority), but I am super excited about finding out what you are planning. I went with Stranger Things because while I am so excited for Harry Potter, it is the end of the journey and Stranger Things is the beginning. Could have voted for either (I tried to vote for both until I realized I only get one choice) : )

Monty Magpie

Harry Potter & The DW announcement


Simple. DW>HP

Janel Rodriguez

I'm so looking forward to your HP reaction. But am very excited and intrigued by the DW announcement!! So both of them, but HP more at the mo since I know the movie and look forward to specific things and the DW thing is a mystery.

Harry Utton

I know what to expect from the HP reaction so I'm more intrigued by this mysterious Dr Who announcement 😀


All of these!! I'm super excited for your opinions (and tears) on stranger things 2. Also, VERY excited for your emotions on DHP2.


The Doctor Who announcement's tying with your San Junipero reaction.