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Hey Lovelies! Let me know what questions you may have for this month's Monthly Chat!!!! 

Episodes I will be discussing: 

The Walking Dead 8x01 (100th Episode!!!!!!!) 

Sherlock: 4x02 & 4x03 

Fear the Walking Dead: 3x13-3x16

The Defenders: 1x05-1x08 

Black Mirror: 3x01-3x03 

Doctor Who: S7 Mid-Christmas Special, 7x06-7x09 

(Note: I have seen & recorded further than 7x09 but let's try to stick to the episodes I will have uploaded by the end of October) 



Hey, would love to know your thoughts on the new Tardis + Matts new outfit for the second half of season 7 :)

Dave Ford

Hmm - not really much to say - yet - am looking forward to your reactions to BM s03e03 and DW s07e09 - so more Q's when I've seen your reactions to them

Ana Decaprio

Doctor Who: What do you think of the new tardis interior? What are your thoughts so far on Clara? Based on what you've seen of her so far, is she what the Doctor needs in a companion right now? Sherlock: 1) What are your general thoughts on the finale? 2) When Sherlock said, "I love you" to Molly, it seemed like he meant it, but to me, it felt like it came out of nowhere. I never got a sense that Sherlock was in love with Molly throughout the show. What do you think? Why did he say that? Is he really in love with her? 3) Also, speaking of being in love, I always felt like Sherlock and John were in love with each other. They put each other first. And even when John was married to Mary, he seemed to give Sherlock more time and affection. But then the writers never went anywhere further with that. I was convinced they would eventually get together, but that never happened. What do you think of all this?


All of mine are Dr Who: What do you think of the "Paternoster Gang" of Vastra, Jenny, and Strax? You've seen a few companions come and go by now. How would you compare the first few episodes of Clara with the first few episodes of previous companions? What do you think is the Doctor's motivation for traveling with Clara? Guilt? Curiosity? Mystery? He seems to be very smitten with his new companion, yet he doesn't really seem to trust her.

Ana Decaprio

Do we know why they are called the Paternoster Gang? I don't know where this term came from.


One of the "prequel" videos to The Snowmen states that the group lives on Paternoster Row: <a href="https://youtu.be/G17_B4uACgg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/G17_B4uACgg</a>


Also here's another prequel video to The Snowmen, I *think* they only made two: <a href="https://youtu.be/Rirju6is4Sw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/Rirju6is4Sw</a>


So one more DW question now that I've seen the "Hide" reaction: On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being disgusting/revolting and 10 being the awesomest ever) where would YOU put whiskey? :D

Dave Hampton

Where do you rank The Defenders in the Marvel Netflix series? I have not watched your reaction to the 8th episode yet so sorry if you answered this in that video. What do you think of Black Mirror season 3 so far? Did you cover up all the cameras in your house/on your devices after watching 3x3?

Dave Ford

BM Ep3 had a lot of hype for being one of the most sickening up episodes - I wasn't convinced - but where do you rate it?