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I'm going to upload a fun video for you guys where I answer your Harry Potter questions for the third movie! If you have any questions about how I'm feeling about certain things before I watch the fourth one or anything at all please let me know. I will be recording this in a couple of days so if I don't get to your question because of timing, I apologize. I also will not look at questions right away unless someone accidentally leaves any spoilers. I will have one of my friends who has seen all the movies check them out first. 

Leave your questions below! 

Much Love, 




Not necessarily a Harry Potter question but what do you think about Gary Oldman as an actor and what do you think about his portrayal of Sirius Black and Black as a character?

Monty Magpie

what was your favorite moment or scene in the prisoner of azkaban?

Dylan Cooper

What a nice idea, a good way to appease your Harry Potter fans as we look forward to your monthly videos :) I have a couple questions: 1) What is your favourite thing about the entire series so far? (e.g. a character, the writing, a part of the overall plot) 2) What could the series do in future films that you would like to see that would improve the story for you? 3) Out of all the characters you have met so far, who are you most looking forward to seeing the character development of throughout the rest of the series? Again, thanks for doing these reactions. It has always been my favourite film series and it's so awesome to see someone finally experience them for the first time. I really think the films you'll like the most are yet to come, and I look forward to each and every one! :)

Dylan Cooper

😂😂 Upon reflection, this is not the ideal film series for people with a fear of snakes lmao. Makes for a great reaction though, sorry Jess 😂

Dave Ford

Interesting to hear your views on what you feel are the weakest elements on the films (especially with regard to plotting and pacing) - obviously they're trying to turn a series of (increasingly long and complex) novels into 2.5 hr movies and and it's difficult to watching them without mentally filling in bits of back story and identifying why otherwise jarring or almost random sequences are either included or dropped in the fims. (And that's quite outside of the spoilerish territory of being ahead in the books or re-watching the older films). There are themes and elements in the last movie about Harry's relationship to Voldemort - are you picking up on these at all, or sailing over your head somewhat? Are there elements from the story that could do with more clarification or explanation? And are you actually enjoying them (excepting the snakes)?

Dave Ford

Hermione punched Draco. Is there a better scene in the film?

Monty Magpie

fair point. but my favorite scene is the scabbers, peter pettigrew reveal

Ana Decaprio

Gary Oldman is the best freaking actor in the world. Sesska, have you seen any of his other stuff? The Professional, Fifth Element, and The Dark Knight movies?


1. How would you like to punish all those people who made you watch a film series with so many snakes? 2. What is something you'd like to see happen in the future of the story? Or perhaps with certain characters? 3. What kind of pet would you bring to Hogwarts: a cat, an owl or a toad? 4. Should I stop apologizing for the essay-length comments? :P


This is a really fun idea! I hope you have a nice time answering questions before diving into the next installment in the franchise.


1. Out of all the characters so far, who are you top 3? 2. What predictions (that nobody is allowed to verify for her) can you make about what's coming?

Michael Morand

Not a question but be ready for snakes for every film. So sorry you have to deal with it. Haha