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So I am going through some episodes of Game of Thrones before the new season starts and I figured I would start up some discussions on here for those who are big fans of the show while I watch. 

Please do not read if you are not caught up with the show! Or plan to watch in the future. 


So my first question or discussion is solely about Ned and Catelyn and well......Jon. I'm just in the beginning of the first season of the show and it's interesting to see the exchange between Catelyn and Jon. I never thought it was very fair for her to despise Jon as much as she did. However, I will say I understand her resenting the situation. But I guess watching these scenes have made me wonder why Ned wouldn't tell Catelyn the truth. Yes, I'm very aware the secret needed to be kept but I never saw Catelyn as someone who would say anything at all. Think what you will of the character but she's very honorable and loyal (especially in regards to Ned). Now I'm sure this really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things but as I was watching the scene where Ned sits on Bran's bed next to Catelyn, I couldn't help but think "you know, if Ned just told her....it would make his life soooo much easier". I guess he just couldn't betray his sister in any way and I do understand that. So I guess I wanted to see what you guys thought of this. Would it have been easier for Ned to tell Catelyn? Do you think she would've kept the secret? Or was it just too big of a secret to trust in the hands of anyone? Also, on another note....if Catelyn was still alive today, what do you think her relationship with Jon would be? Would she be proud? Would she still hold any resentment? Let me know what you all think. 



I think Ned believed that it was too big of a secret to entrust to anyone. His best friend (Robert) would have had Jon killed if he ever found out he was a Targaeryn. All Catelyn cared about was that Jon wasn't hers. If she knew who he really was when Sansa was being held in King's Landing, I wouldn't have trusted her not to sell Jon out. It may have been short sighted, but Ned probably felt that he promised Lyanna and he would never tell no matter what

Dave Hampton

When Jon was born Ned and Cat were pretty newly married and he was not even the one she was supposed to marry. I think at that point most of the time they had been married they had been apart. I am not sure they were close enough at the time for him to trust her with something that meant so much to his sister. Over time you would think he might of but maybe it just got to be one of those things were it had been so long it was weird/hard to bring up after a lot of time. I am not sure. I have a theory that is probably wrong where I think his brother Benjen knows. When Jon says he does not care about having kids Benjen says "you might, if you knew what it meant." Benjen could just be talking about sex, or maybe the joy of being a father (but Benjen is not a father so not sure how he would know), or he could be talking about what it meant if JON had kids. Just a though I had when I started re-watching the series a little while back. OK, my novel is over.


Ned needed everyone to believe Jon was his bastard, and what better way to convince everyone of that than to allow his own wife to legitimately believe it as well? If his own wife treats Jon as his bastard, the question as to whether Jon is his bastard would never, ever be raised by anyone. That alone would sell the lie.


I think that maybe, Cat took out her 'feelings' on Jon as she would have been expected to show loyalty to her husband and lord. Jon could be seen as a legitimate target in the eyes of others in the household and therefore bore the brunt. As for Ned, he knew that had the secret been discovered his whole family could have been held accountable for the 'treason' so he probably made the safer yet harder decision to tell no one and allow his honour to be blackened.