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I honestly don't know what to do at this point. For some reason videos aren't working on here.....I messaged Patreon so hopefully they will get back to me about what the issue is. 

For those it concerns, it might be a while before "The Doctor's Wife" Full Reaction will be up on here. Sorry, I just don't know what to do. 


Ana Decaprio

The Shield video worked for me

Ana Decaprio

But the sneak peek is gone now so I can't try it

Miles Macdonald

I don't know if you know this already but other patreon channels are experiencing problems too. (Blind Wave and the Normies that I know of)

Dave Ford

What's really odd - they still work for me on the patreon app on my phone, but not through the browser. Weird.

Jeff Clark

Maybe just post the link to the videos in the meantime?