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Classic Who "Mawdryn Undead" Parts 1&2 Reaction

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Daniel Davies

I don’t know of this will affect your overall feelings for this story, but originally, it was supposed to be Ian Chesterton instead of the Brigadier. But William Russell wasn’t available so they asked Nicholas Courtney if he wanted to come back. Honestly, I do think the Brig’s better because, as much as I love Ian, you just can’t have him without Barbara.

Joe Crammond

Harry Sullivan was considered as well but Ian marter wasn't available, maybe he was doing something hush hush at Porton Down lol

David Vandervliet

Nyssa finally gets to wear something remotely stylish, if very 80s... This is the story that causes the "UNIT Dating problem" which was alluded to Day of the Doctor. If you remember in Pyramid of Mars Sarah Jane said she was from 1980, (the story aired in 1975) and the whole UNIT era was supposed to take place "in the near future" But this story would have the Brigadier here during that time... Since the script was written for Ian, it wasn't noticed as a problem

Thomas Corp

So, this is not connected to this story, I know. Still, I felt here is a good place to put this. Today was the day, ten years ago when Peter Capaldi had his first full episode as the Twelfth Doctor on Doctor Who. And before the episode was even finished, Peter as Twelve became my Doctor; I can even pinpoint the exact moment in the episode when it happened. It was then around the time when he regenerated that I came across your channel, where you were just wrapping up the journey with your honey, Eleven. It therefore ended up that right when Twelve regenerated, and Moffat already softened the blow by giving me exactly the type of regeneration that I needed, I discover you and your channel, and I get to experience Twelve’s FANTASTIC journey all over again. And through that, subscribing to your patreon, and then, the wonderful years since of loving your beautiful content and reactions, Jess. Perhaps there would have been something else where I would have discovered you and your channel, but I just really like how it was through Doctor Who that it happened. Just wanted to say that.

James Clarke

Jess, what a great outfit/look you have for this reaction…love that dress!