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Star Trek TNG 2x04 Full Reaction - Sesskasays

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Thomas Corp

It was quite snowy and cold where I’m at recently. Today it was quite warm, so it’s always a crapshoot. Sorry to hear the weather triggered the sniffles some, but it did not detract from the reaction. This episode is presently holding the title of my least favorite of the show thus far. I agree with what you said, I’m all for episodes that have lower stakes than the high drama, yet this episode was dull. I mean, Okana was outrageous, but probably not in the way that the writers intended. I anticipated your reaction to when Okana inquired if he was hearing a woman’s voice, I shared the reaction you had. Well, I should say that whilst you reacted with a small chorus of no’s, I said with dread and disdain, “Oh, Christ.” To your one point, they weren’t as bad with the sexism as Star Trek past, still insufferable. When you said, “I have to say, this is highly unprofessional. Right?” and then later, when you commented about Okana, “He’s very exhausting. Isn’t he?” my rather deadpan response both times was, “You’re expecting an argument?” I really got annoyed when they said Okana had seen three different members of the crew, and I vented, “THREE different... Ok. All right. Please. For my own sanity, can we strap this guy to a chair and give him the Bob Barker treatment? First, however, we chop off that goddamn ponytail which looks worse than the one Richard Thomas had in the miniseries of Stephen King’s It, which I didn’t think was even possible!” I’m sorry Dr. Pulaski sat this episode out, because I would have loved to have seen Diana play a scene of Dr. Pulaski chasing Okana out of the medical bay by yelling, “Get out of here, you nosy little pervert, or I’m going to slap you silly!!” Now, all of this is nothing against Billy Campbell who is great, especially in the criminally underrated and underseen The Rocketeer as I see Ryan highlighted that as well. Just a shame he never became a notable name. Then there’s the plotline of Data trying to learn humor. Like you said, humor is subjective. Evidence of that is they have Joe Piscopo being hailed as being considered the funniest man ever in the twenty-fourth century. A joke that is depressing as shit today. Or hysterical as shit today, depending on your sense of humor. And on top of that, Jess, you showed zero reaction nor sign of recognition of Joe Piscopo as if to illustrate my point. I will say that there is mild relation to Data in terms of feeling, at least, like an outsider when it comes to what people find funny. Christ, high school, and the brief time in college was HELL in that regard. It really does say how dull the Okana plot was that you and I just were completely past the point of caring, though you and I do note that it’s good to see Picard’s diplomacy skills in action. At the end of the video, when you expressed the desire for the episode to have been solely about the Data plotline, I chimed in with, “Rochester, now, how bad does a dramatic political plotline in Star Trek have to be for Jess to be disinterested to the point of apathy? Oh, Don. Oh, Mary, Oh, Dennis.” I also just felt sorry for Data when he realized the program would respond to anything, and you see Brent sell Data’s heart breaking at said realization; broke my heart too. And we end on the scene of perpetuating the misconception of the Burns and Allen joke, which is not one of theirs, but is so synonymous with them regardless, that everyone collectively agrees to be incorrect about the joke. So, though this is thus far, my least favorite Next Gen episode, I echo Ryan’s comment that it was nice to see that you were as kind to the episode as you were, Jess. And I most enjoyed your reaction, thank you.


George Burns himself said he loved the joke and wished they'd thought of it. I was very grateful as a shy autistic kid (even if I didn't know about the second part yet) to have the trifecta of The Simpsons, Seinfeld, and MST3K to teach me the basics of how to be funny which I put to pretty good use in school. Also aided by how for some unknown reason my hamstrings never tightened and my legs are exceptionally flexible to this day, so I could throw in a little Ken Berry style physicality from the F Troop reruns my dad put on.

Vanessa J McNamara

Jessica I’m beginning to despair that your generation (I’m old) doesn’t appreciate the art of harmless flirting. Okay, he’s a little otp, but that’s about all this episode is good for anyway. I’d give just about anything to be your age again. I hope you’re enjoying your vacation ❤️