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Sanction is what I call my superhero setting. Cass, the Xenobiologist and Quiver are all part of that storyline. A few generic superhero designs too.

Also if I'm gonna use this generic robber guy more, I should probably give him a redesign so people will stop referencing Team Fortress 2. Honestly it's always really tiring when half the comments on a piece are "HEY THIS CHARACTER LOOKS LIKE THAT CHARACTER!"

The ActiRangers and Rumble are all technically in the same setting though there's somewhat limited crossover.




I feel that Bank Robber Guy needs a villain name, and he could be a foil to Quiver in that he's also a gadget-style villain except his are purchased and only slightly modified for his needs, instead of total DIY gadgets like Quiver's arrows...


Vis-a-vis the comments I keep thinking of a mentor-archer type for Quiver that is A) old as dirt, B) aggressively unsexy (though probably was hot in their youth) and C) has no verbal filter.


I headcanon that when Gray left the ActiRangers, they actually let Quiver try out to replace Gray since archery is an Olympic sport. Unfortunately, she accidentally friendly-fired the rest of the team with her trick arrows during her tryout, and they were like "nah, we're good. You're clearly more effective solo."

Sarah Dee

Oho the rolled up sleeves, leather gloves ... loving Robber Guy. Hope he and Quiver can figure something out together.