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The last comic may have inaccurately painted Quiver as having her shit together.

I can assure you this is not the case.

At least she got the right arrow this time. 




This may fight for top ship Pink X Grey, you have competition 👀


Well that's one way to acquire an... immunity, to electrocution

Gwen The Goblin

Here's my predictions/head canon until Spicy does more with these lovable dorks: Quiver and 'Crooks' Johnson (courtesy of commenter Henry S Mayper up above)continue this dance a while longer, each time Quiver ended up being embarrassed/awkward. Maybe every now and then Crooks slips up and ends up being the awkward one, which Quiver uses to needle him on occasion during capture. Then Quiver hits up a bar incognito, and Crooks (sans mask) is there, nursing a broken heart/having a bad day/something that has Quiver (probably awkwardly) trying to console him. They have a good time together, while thinking the entire time, "Why does she/he seem really freakin' familiar?" One thing leads to another, and they end up in bed together. Then one of two things could happen: Regardless who's place they end up in, one finds something that identifies their alter-ego (Quiver finds Crooks' mask, Crooks finds an arrow/her outfit). Maybe some accusations, or just straight acceptance of the situation, and working around it while doing their jobs. Setting up dates when capturing Crooks, Crooks teasing Quiver about a new discovered (to him) kink they'll have to try when he gets out of jail. OR: They start dating, trying to juggle their shenanigans around their budding relationship. At some point, something triggers the realization. Maybe Crooks says something about hoping he's not held for long, since he has a date that night at a nice, date-type restaurant. Quiver starts to make a snarky remark, then goes, "Wait a minute, *I* have a date there tonight?!" Cue second half of the previous paragraph.