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Did a little meme on twitter! This was pretty fun thinking about what went into her design and characterization. Notably Eclair used to be a more quiet, stoic, Nagato Yuki "kuudere" type in her earliest characterizations. Eventually I just had more fun with her being more wildly enthusiastic.

Everyone always compares her to Pidge from Voltron and yes, I 100% see it, but it was on accident! I dunno if I should adjust her hair silhouette to make her more unique.

Anyway, lmk if there's any other OC you'd like to see the DNA for. I might do one or two more of these.



james hales

I hate that you can't rotate the screen anymore with the new version of the Patreon app


Convergent evolution…. i wonder how many ocs out there have convergently evolved with existing fictional characters