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Felt like doing a little more exploration into the specifics of Eclair's setting.

Generally I try to make it as generic a fantasy world as possible so it's easy for folks to understand, on the other hand, I think it's fun to give Eclair actual things to discover!

The vibes for the Gingerwood setting are overall pretty wholesome, so I figured I'd give the Goblins a bit of a friendlier twist rather than defaulting to the"Goblin Slayer" archetype. 




both of the goblins are so cute🥺


Do they have ritualistic methods of oral gonad cleansing?


These are the most wholesome goblins ever. Five stars. Would give many headpats (with goblin-certified consent naturally).

Smile Dip

I love the shot of these guys just hanging out with Eclair. These are some very good designs.


This reminds me of a tumblr post I made once about Fantasy Worldbuilding that blew up.


Ooh! Shoot me a link! The concept has come up in conversations with friends before and I suspect it may have been sparked by your post. (I'm not very active but many of my friends are SUPER plugged into D&D tumblr.)

Daniel Mountain

While I can appreciate tools and food being free to use, one also has to consider things like tools being well-treated and maintained, therefore lasting longer, and food being carefully stockpiled and preserved for meals to come. Plus, everyone can be a touch annoyed if they'd found a rare treat, only for someone else to have taken it for their own. So I can appreciate some aspects of goblin culture, but I tend to see the flaws that go with the benefits. I do like that they're polite and considerate lovers, though...

Cearo Thyme

I love them. These little guys are a new top fave. I think the way you do small non human beings is so wonderful and i love this little cutural insight to your take on them.


I think part of the issue is that Goblins have a different value structure than humans. Goblins obviously maintain and respect tools they take, after all its *their* tool as much as it's anyone's. And while they do stockpile and store foodstuffs, the point of keeping these things is so that anyone in the community can consume it when they need to. The idea that you'd find a rare treat and *not* eat it immediately is silly to a goblin. And if you didn't happen to want to eat it, or if you've got more than you can eat in the moment, there's no reason why someone else shouldn't enjoy it! Every society has flaws, but part of the point of fantasy is to explore other ways of thinking. So the idea that "oh this wouldn't work because people would get annoyed" sort of misses the point.


I love love love how you interpret goblin culture also finally nice goblin hentai with consent. I love your art so much you cant imagine